Part 2

God has returned to his kingdom again. When she opened the gates, Seraphim immediately met him.

-What happened downstairs? the angel asked timidly.

-Lilith is in a safe place. I want you to watch her and protect her. - said the Lord softly.

-Of course. - said Serafim, and came out of the gates of paradise.

The old man looked around. All angels were performing their functions around. Someone was preparing to visit the people they were keeping. Others delivered lessons to the newly arrived angels. Everyone had done their job. Paradise, of course, was peace.

God cast a last glance at the angels and headed for his throne, giving him the opportunity to watch the mortals.

He stood comfortably and looked across the crystal globe, revealing his battle for the new Lilith family.

Her father was talking on the phone, looking for her keys for the car. Her mother had taken her in her hand and rocked her in a beat with the song she was singing.

Suddenly everything shook and the ball dropped from its stand. The angels ran into chaos, and where to catch.

It was a long time. "the old man told himself.

The gates of paradise were opened, and from there, in all its high-eyed viciousness with a sharp gait, the devil entered. With quick strides he reached the throne, where God leaned, waiting for him.

"Where is it?" The devil screamed, drawing the angels' eyes, who were now numb and did not make any sound.

"Who are you talking to me?" God asked calmly.

"Do not do that you do not know!" The devil screamed.

- Not with me. "With a calm tone," the old man replied, scowling a vicious look at his opponent.

-You, bastard! Here you know where it is. I want your daughter or I'll kill you all! "The devil softened his tone, still furious.

- Watch out! "God said. "On my territory. Here everybody would kill for me.

-Ha! the devil laughed. - We're not that different anyway. You stole my daughter, and now you have the courage to threaten me. Now I'm leaving but know nothing is over. And you know I'm not gonna leave that. You will kneel me someday and pray for a livelihood. As for my daughter, she does not think you will turn her into one of her fucking servants. I will take care to unlock my true nature. And then I'll go back for you. - said the devil, turning his back to the old man.

The quick steps of the evil silhouette of the evil lord flowed down the stone floor. He came out, slamming the gates to himself with the wings of his wings.


Thus no more Paradise was visited by the devil.

It's been 17 years since Lilith was born. She grew happily in a loving family. He went to school, like all normal children. She was different from the others because of her black eyes. Her stand was stretched, and her gait like a cat. Her hair was long, black in color, almost to the end of her back. She was elusive. In appearance she looked like her mother. It was the desire of every man, and as such she made them lash her feet. Despite the efforts of Seraphim to keep her, this girl got involved in all sorts of trouble. Her father's blood flowed through her veins, and that was a great deal.

At age 12 she was already involved in a murder she had committed. The adopters described it as an accident. Choking a girl with a pillow while you sleep on them could not be called accident, but her tender age justified her. That's what Seraphim helped. He had to influence the police, the parents of the murdered girl, and the foster family of Lilith.

At age 14, she had been involved with mobsters, from which she earned a tremendous amount of money. She had become the favorite of the mafia gang, in which she was involved, and she was sort of a deputy boss. Impossible absurdly sounds a fourteen-year-old pirate who still does not know where it is to be so overgrown and at the same time a nightmare for everyone else. Absurd, but fact.

By 15, she had used all kinds of drugs. He was also robbing a bank. There was a shootout for her actions. When one of the police officers started clutching her with the scarf, she grabbed the pistol from the belt of his pants. He stood against him and, with a remarkably accurate sight, shot him between his eyes.

At 16, she had slept with half the boys from the school, which she burned shortly after.

They identified it as a failure in the building's installation.

And it came to that moment. The moment when Lilith's world collapsed.