Part 5

Elia walked through the angelic kingdom and sought Serafim. He knew he would help her. She had not given her her betrayal, and had sworn to protect Lilith. Elia's only fear was that her daughter could choose the evil. She knew that if that happened, everything that was known until now would collapse. There had to be a way to help Lilith choose wisely and put evil in his place. In her blood, both forces were overflowing. Only Elia did not know who prevailed. What if Lilith chooses the evil, the world will be ruined. There will be chaos, stranger and unseen. Someone had to put the devil in his place. And the only hope was his own blood, though mixed with angelic. Elijah hoped Lilith would oppose her father. But if Lucifer first came to her and set her against the angelic world, then there would be no hope for good and for humanity. Everything was in the hands of Lilith. That is why Elia wanted to talk to her.

When Elijah went around the kingdom and did not find Serafim, she went to the Garden of Eden. Serafim himself was sitting on a stone, throwing small pebbles in the pond.

-Serim. Elia shouted, approaching the angel.

He turned and saw sadness in his eyes.

-What happened? Elia asked, sitting beside him.

-Lilith. Lucifer discovered it. "Seraphim said sadly, and Elia was not happy with what she had heard.

-Have you ever told her anything? - asked the woman with hope.

-Not exactly. Only they will meet again.

"That's not good, but she does not know who she is," said Elia.

-Yeah, but she already knows about her wings. Which means that Lucifer will take care of her dad very soon. You have to talk to her before him. "said Seraphim, and tossed again a small pebble that formed circles in the pond.

"That's what I was looking for. Where is she?

-I'll take you. "said Seraphim, standing on his feet.

Elijah also stood up and opened the portal to the human world.

Lilith, get up! At your school! her mother in the kitchen.

Lilith rubbed his sleepy eyes and stood in his bed. Shoot his slippers and down the stairs, heading for the kitchen. +

-Good morning. -he greeted the girl and sat down at the table.

He did not get an answer. Her parents were anxious, and everyone was doing something for her. Her mother was serving breakfast, and her father was still thinking about reading her newspaper.

Lilith took his sandwich for school and went back to his room. He changed his clothes, took his bag and went down the stairs again. He pulled himself up and left, shutting the door behind him.

She was walking along the road, thinking whether to go to school when a ball of light came in front of her and she knocked her somebody, falling back.

The woman gave her a hand, and the girl took her uncertainly.

-I'm sorry. Lilith said.

-We're guilty. "the woman said, and then Lilith saw a man standing opposite her.

-Do I know you? asked the girl, looking around at the man.

-Yes. he said briefly.

Before Lilith had succeeded in asking her next question, the woman interrupted her.

-Lilith, we need to talk.

"Where did you know my name?" -the girl wondered.

Because I called you so. the woman answered.

-What? Lilith said, and stepped back a frightened step.

-See, this is not a good place for such a conversation here. I have a lot to tell you. And what you will hear will explain why you have wings. You must have wondered. "the woman said, waiting for the girl's reply.

Lilith looked incredulously. How did this woman know she had wings? No one had seen her with them. Besides that man in the woods. And the man against her did not mind the man in the woods. Besides, Lilith had never seen this woman in her life. And she introduced herself to her mother. The whole story seemed too confused.

- I have to hurry for school. "Lilith answered timidly.

"I think what you're going to hear is a lot more than the school you'd be running out of." the man said, and Lilith's eyes widened even more than wonder.

-How do you know? asked the girl.

"If you hear us, you'll know. the woman was intermingled again.

-Where are we going? Lilith asked, surrendering to her curious curiosity.

-In the forest where it was yesterday. "the man said.

-And you were there?

-Yes, but I'll explain it to you later.

-He she's my mother, so you're my father? asked the girl, more and more curious about the answers.

-No. the man shook her head.

-I'm confused. Lilith said.

-Mila, just come. We have to hurry. "the woman asked her.

- But the forest is far away. Lilith thought.

-We have wings, right? said the woman, and smiled, drawing her white wings on display.

- Someone will see you! Lilith said.

- No, it can only be seen by the one you let yourself see. the woman smiled again.

-Oh! "Lilith." - Well, let's go then! she said resolutely, and she also pulled her wings out.

When her mother saw them, she gasped, but said nothing more. Seraphim also showed his wings, and the three men flew. Lilith relaxed freely and was happy to have someone like her. But he still could not explain the whole situation. Were any magic creatures? But Lilith did not exist. The foster parents never told her about such things. They were just too human and busy working and living.

When they reached the meadow near the forest, they landed.

- Better sit. "the woman said, and Lilith fulfilled her words.

Seraphim and Elijah also sat down.

- Well, who's going to start? asked Lilith with a smile.

"I am Seraphim and I am your guardian angel. When he was born, I swore to protect you, and that's why you actually feel like you know me. You've always seen me, but she did not pay attention. And I've always gotten you out of your hooliganism.

Lilith laughed slightly. It is said she has always slipped out of some terrible luck in robberies and fights. Apparently it was no luck, and Serafim saved her. She was kind enough to have guarded her.

-That's your mother. Elia. I think she should tell you from here. Seraphim nodded to Elia, and she breathed deeply before she spoke.

-I `m Angel. the woman began. "You must have heard about God and the Devil.

- A little. "Lilith answered.

"An angel fell in love a long time ago. From this love a beautiful girl was born. But blood was flowing into his veins. The blood of good and evil. The two most powerful powers of the world. Just that nothing was as good as it seemed. In fact, the angel fell in love with the devil. This, according to God's rules, was a transgression, and a sore punishment awaited the angel. But another angel, named Serafim, decided to help the woman and not release her secret. When God realized that the Devil had a daughter, he made Serafim kidnap the girl and leave it to a human family. Your family. - the woman stopped for a moment.

Lilith stared tremulously, and now almost everything was in her mind. +

"The man you saw in the woods yesterday ... this is your father. "said Seraphim.

-Get a little. Only one thing is not clear to me .. what do I have to do? Lilith asked.

Seraphim and Elias took a breath. They wondered who to answer.

You have to choose between good and evil. If you choose to keep good and fight against your father then peace will begin between the three worlds. But if you choose to follow your father's steps, then you will both destroy the whole world and evil will rule. "said Seraphim.

-Ahiaaa. What if I do not choose one? Lilith asked.

-You do not choose. This is your fate. But if your father wins, you will not see the world you know, and you can make it even better. "said Elia.

-I do not know. "Just answer Lilith and get out of your seat. -I'm leaving.

- But Lilith! Elia said, seeing the girl's wings spread out.

-I have to think. I want to talk to my father! said the girl, and took off, leaving the two angels.