Part 9

-Who did you talk to? Bella asked.

-With nobody. - Lilith was chosen.

But I heard voices.

-Mirmore! "the girl's shoulders shrugged.

-Okay. Do you want to have breakfast? her mother asked, heading for the kitchen.

-No no! Let's go out somewhere outside to eat. "Lilith said, remembering the type of kitchen.

At that moment her mother opened the door to the room, and Lilith stood in the spotlight.

-But I was thinking of making pancakes. You coming? Her mother entered the kitchen, urging Lilith.

The girl looked at the room. There was no sign of the ruin that had caused the goblins. Lilith wondered how all this mess had turned into a perfectly orderly perfection of purity.

-Okay, my chocolate. "Lilith smiled, and he also entered the kitchen.


-I want everything tonight to be perfect! We will have very important guests! The table must be stacked and full of food! I want new candlesticks and new cover! - ordered the devil of his servants. They nodded their heads, but their fear was evident in their eyes.

-You're bluffing me. a woman's voice was heard.

Lucifer turned. In front of him stood the slender figure of Elia.

-Yes. We'll have dinner with Lilith. And we will discuss its future. - said the master gently.

"And what makes you think I want to be present?" the woman replied. +

- Come on, Elia! This is your daughter though. For the first time we will have dinner as a family.

-Eh! The devil could be kind. Elia laughed.

- Last night at 19:00 here. I have a job now. said the master, and pointed at the door.

Elija caught the hint and turned. -Jen. said the devil, turning his eyes.

-Is not possible. a man's voice.

-You since when are you an expert on women? "Lucifer asked.

- As I met a beautiful woman I can not have.

-Who is she? "the devil asked.

-It does not matter. Ridmon shrugged.

"Are not you gonna tell me?" the devil was waiting.

She's dead.

-And what. I was in love with an angel. And you know how much I hate them. You can meet me sometime with this dead man.

-Perhaps. Anyway. I gave Lilith's dress. -was to change the subject Rimon quickly.

-Okay. You will go to meet her.

- As you say, uncle.

- Now you're marching from here that I have a job. Go to some confusion in the boring human everyday life.

- I'm leaving. Rimon said, and vanished.


- She died. No way. What could I tell him? Am I in love with your daughter? And then what? From my beloved nephew I would have become the most hated one. He would shake me and make the demons torture me. And they would kill me again and again. And I would never see Lilith anymore. And seeing her no more will be worse than death. And how ever it occurred to me to introduce them. - he kept racing about Rimon, circling in the sky above the mortals. - I have to see her! he said to himself, and headed toward her house.

When she landed on the roof, she leaned in front of her room window. She knocked slightly, but the girl did not turn around. He sat on his bed with his back to the window.

He knocked a second time stronger, but no reaction again.

He opened the window and slipped inside. Jump on her bed. Lilith startled and turned away, taking off his headphones.

-What are you doing?! cried Lilith.

-I did, but you did not hear it, and I thought I could get in. -he raised his shoulders and smiled charmingly.

-Why are you here? Do I be late for dinner? What time is it? Lilith startled, and began to walk around his room nervously.

-No. Relax. You have more time, but I wanted to see you.

-To see me?

-Yes. Oh, no. That is. Off. How was the kitchen? Rimon said, and Lilith laughed.

-Red. Did you do it?


- It's you as a cleaner. Lilith's loud laughter thundered into the room.

-Many things I do. And talking about my qualities that include sex, charm, attraction, beautiful eyes, nice hair, body, irresistibility ...

-Enough enough! Lilith interrupted. - Understood. "laughed the girl.

-That's nothing! Not to mention how well I kiss. -Rimon is upset.

-I do not believe it!

-Do you want to know? "They approached her.

-No. He put a hand on his face and laughed.

"How dare you refuse me?" "There was a laugh in his lips.

-I do not like you. - said the girl.

-What? He pulled back as if he had been burned.

-That's me. All this is a mistake. I do not want to be more than friends. I'm sorry for the morning. You know. I do not want to give you any hope. I'm in love with another. she said in a cautious manner. +

"It will take you to 7." he said, getting out of bed. He walked to the window, but felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You do not understand joking?"

-No. -Rimon turned to her.

-You'll have to get used to it. she said, lifting her fingers.

He put a hand on her waist and kissed her. At that moment everything stopped. Time. Everything is sealed at this moment. Only the two of them and the sincere kisses they exchanged were important.

When they took their time to take their breath, their eyes glimpsed.

- Will you stay? - asked the girl.

-Do you want?


- Then I'm staying.

Again the lips were merging.