Chapter 1) The Wormhole

"Take cover!" A squad leader shout at his men. *Boom* A flash appear close to them. "Forward!" The squad leader shout at his men. "Ahhhh!" All the men charge forward. "Look captain! Special force is here for back up!" A man said. Everyone look up and saw a small ship land behind them. A person about 6'5 in a light blue full neon suit and a pulse gun appear from the ship. "Here to help?" The captain ask. "Come on Jaken. You should know that I am here to help." The man reply. "Yeah yeah. That is what you always say but you end up causing a mess." Jaken reply. "No no I did not. Last time it happen because the suspects was causing too much commotion so I decide to use one of their friend as an example." The man reply. "Tsk. Just don't be like that again. Now go and clear them." Jaken said. "Right on and hey. How about we go to a place and drink. I'll treat. The man said. "Right. We can if you come back alive." Jaken reply. "I will! I always come back alive no matter what!" The man puff up his chest proudly. "Right right. Now go and stop talking." Jaken said. The man chuckle and began making his way to battlefield. "A friend of your captain? I mean you must be great to befriend Sir Lucy!" Jaken men gather around him. "Ha! Me and him meet each other in the training camp but he end up in the special force. While I end up being a captain. Those were good days." Jaken said. "Then Sir Lucy must have quite the skill to enter the special force. I mean he does that is why he is in the special force." A man said in a respective tone. "He does. In fact, he is the best among his peers. He is such a valuable soldier that they higher ups would not dare to let him go or mistreat him. The way he make his enemy lose moral is just pure evil but he know what he is doing." Jaken reply. "Oh..." Jaken men listen to his short story in amazement. Sir Lucy was a man that every men and children look up to the most. He is so well known that, he is practically a god to everyone. His enemy both fear and respect him.

Lucy dart through the battlefield and soon arrive to the bunker of the person involve in this. Lucy decide to go in carefully and end this quickly. His pulse gun come apart and latch onto each of his hand to form an arm blade on each hand. His suit began to fade away. Lucy outline can still be seen but it is extremely hard to spot him. Lucy decide to search the 2nd floor as he was sure that the boss is there. Half way to the stair, Lucy stop and look at the man going up the stair. "Count it as your bad luck for going up the stair too slow." Lucy approach the man and kill him without any noise at all. Lucy drag his body and hid it behind the stair. Lucy arrive to the 2nd floor and look around. He had went around a few room already and found no trace of that person anywhere. "Could he be on the first floor then?" Lucy sigh and went back down to the first floor. "Boss! We got everything ready and just need you to gave the order!" A man report to his boss. "Good! We can..." The boss did not get to give the order before he began to fall apart. In fact, all of his men were also falling apart. Lucy appear in the middle and look at his doing. "Very nice! But I could have done better!" Lucy said. Lucy turn to the computer and cancel everything then smash the computer to bits of pieces. *Bzzz* A portal or some sort of thing appear from behind Lucy. Lucy turn around to see what it was and went closer for inspection. "Whoa... What is this? A wormhole? Ha, ya got to be kidding me. Welp! Whatever, I got the files already. I am done here anyway." Lucy ignore the portal and continue his way out. *Whoosh* Lucy was being forcible pull by the portal. Lucy shot a grapple and manage to prevent himself from being suck in. "Urgh! What is this shit now!" Lucy curse at the portal. *Clank crack* "Oh no... Ahhhh!" The grapple got loosen from the wall. Lucy could not do anything was suck in by the portal.

"Ahhh! Onward men!" Lucy could hear shouting in front of him and behind him. Lucy thought that the battle was still going on. Lucy quickly got up. He could see countless of men charging at him from behind him and in front of him. Their cloths was really strange looking. Almost all of the men from both side were wearing knight armor. "The fuck? Am I in a movie set now?" Lucy ask himself while holding his head in pain. "Charge!" Men from both side were shouting at each other. "Whoa whoa whoa!" Lucy could see that they were charging straight at him. Everyone from both side finally spot Lucy and stop in their track. They look at Lucy weirdly. "What kind of armor is that?" Many soldier ask each other. "Hey! You there! Who are you!" A soldier ask Lucy. "Huh?" Lucy was confuse as he cannot understand what the man was saying. The man look at his friends in confusion. "I said! Who are you!?" The man ask again. "The fuck!? Is this man talking in gibberish?" Lucy ask himself. "L, translate what they are saying." Lucy said. "Right away Lucy." L translate their language and give Lucy the subtitle of what they are saying. "Oh Who am I? And who are they?" Lucy ask. "Shall I tell them that?" L ask. "Yeah go ahead." Lucy reply. "Who are you guys?" A robotic voice come from Lucy suit and ask the soldiers who they were. "We? We are soldiers fighting for our country and who are you!?" A man reply. "Enough! Just kill him!" The captain on both side said. "Ahhh!" All of the soldier began charging at each other and Lucy. "Oh shit!" Lucy switch his arm blade back to his pulse gun. *Bzzz bzzz bzzz* A blue light appear and hit the soldier. "Ahh!" Those that were hit by the blue light died instantly on the spot. The soldiers were taken aback by this but did not stop. "Come on then!" Lucy shout at the soldiers. *Bzzz bzzz bzzz* Countless of blue light appear and countless of soldiers were falling victim to the blue light. "Keep going!" They roar together. "We should join force and take this person down then we can continue on with our battle." The captain suggest this to the other captain. "Good idea!" The other captain agree and they join force to go against Lucy. Lucy fire after fire until his pulse gun stop. "Fuck! I overheat the gun! Got to let it cooldown and recharge. Glad that I got the newest type of pulse gun that recharge to refill ammo." Lucy said. The pulse gun broke apart and latch onto each of his arm. Lucy had to switch to melee as he had overheat his pulse gun.

"General! It seem like we are having a bigger problem!" Both general got the same report from each other their scout. "What!? What do you mean bigger problem!?" The 2 general on each side ask. "There seem to be an unknown person that is killing our soldier with ease!" The 2 general heard this and went out from their camp to see for themselves. The 2 general got out from their own tent and look into the battlefield. Sure enough, they could see a man in a glowing suit fending himself from all of his direction. The way he is fighting was amazing and he seem know what he is doing. They were about to say something but saw the man in the glowing suit force his way to his left. "Is he going to make a run for the forest?" They ask themselves. Lucy force his way to his left towards the forest. Fighting too many at a time is tiring Lucy out. So Lucy decide to just make a run for it. "Within just a few second, Lucy had already reach the forest. He manage to reach the forest fast was due to the jets install onto his suit. Everyone was shock at how fast this strange person is. Lucy got to the forest and let out a deep breath. "Now L. Tell me where I am at?" Lucy ask. "I'm sorry to say this but I cannot say where you are at exactly." L reply. "Then display a map more me." Lucy said. *beep* A map display in front of Lucy helmet. "This land here seem unfamiliar. I mean it is but I just can't tell exactly where though. Can you point me the way home though L?" Lucy ask. "I'm sorry but I cannot detect our headquarter at all. These seem to be no trace of it either." L reply. "A view of the planet please." Lucy said. *Beep* The Earth appear in front of Lucy. "Wait!? I am still in Earth but where exactly." Lucy mind was in a daze as he cannot process everything yet. "Did I get teleport to a parallel world!?" Lucy ask in shock. "So if I get teleport to another parallel world then... How am I suppose to go back!?" Lucy shout at the top of his lung. *Roar* Lucy hear a roar in front of him.

Lucy look and see a strange creature. "Wait? It this really Earth? I mean look at that ugly creature." Lucy said. The creature was not weird at all. In fact, it was just a jaguar but it have two huge frontal teeth. Lucy was from the 50th century and did not learn much about the old animals as they focus more on space and war. "Come on then you ugly creature!" Lucy shout at the jaguar. *Roar* The jaguar roar at Lucy and charge at him. Lucy also charge at the jaguar. Lucy got to a few feet from the jaguar and did a 180 spin. The jaguar past him and fall apart before it can hit the ground. *thud* Lucy shake the blood off his blade and unsheathe both of his arm blade. Lucy did not look at the dead jaguar and just make his way to find civilization to find more information about the new world that he arrive to. Well, not really a new world but the past except that it was new for Lucy. Lucy had been walking for 3 hour now and the forest seem to have no end to it. "Fuck... It's getting dark too. I should find a tree and rest there." Lucy walk for a bit longer and finally found a good tree. He flew to a branch and rest there. "Retract my helmet." Lucy said. *Pssshh* Lucy helmet retract. What was inside the helmet was a handsome face with long magenta and purple hair and two pair of deep blue eye. "Ahh! I hate my hair color. I wish I was born with either black or brown hair." Lucy said. Lucy had always dislike his hair color as he is the only one with that kind of hair color. There are many with different hair color too. Such as pink, green, purple etc. But Lucy was the only one with 2 different hair color. And that make him stand out the most. He would always get love letter from girls but he would reject them every time. But they would not stop even when they are rejected. "Ah! Whatever. I should sleep." Lucy lay down on the branch and look at the sky. After a few minute. Lucy can hear commotion under him.