It didn't take long time before everyone gathered around big long wooden table.

"So, it appears Commander Xiao had another important matter that must be considered. In fact, he had to send Lieutenant Utara to replace his place." Leader Mo said in his raspy voice to break the silence, he still unhappy with the fact that Xiao Tianyao neglected meeting with him.

"An intruder in Eastern Fortres, it was indeed important matter." Xiao Wu Xie chimed in. "I heard Imperial Uncle have killed the intruder."

Senja tilted her head to look at Xiao Tianyao. This man never said anything about the intruder and in actuality he had killed him?

Ignoring both of them, Xiao Tianyao directly pulled out the secret letter and placed it in front of Sana "Can you decipher this language?"

Finally got Xiao Tianyao attention, Sana smiled sweetly as her face turned bright and excitedly she took the letter and open it.