WHERE IS YUN? (edited)

"I know that you are aware of how Xiao Tianyao feels about you. He won't say it, but I believe you are able to read the fine lines clearly. This is one of the abilities of a mind controller." Xiao Jun continued.

Senja looked at the man in front of her, deep in thought as she analyzed him.

Xiao Jun was as calm as Xiao Tianyao, but his calmness was slightly different from his brother's. If Senja didn't have this ability, she would have found it difficult to assess this guy's objectives. **Is he a friend or a foe? **

That smile on his face hid his emotions perfectly well. But truthfully, he wasn't a malicious personality. He had only put forth his standing in a distinctive manner that someone naive would easily overlook and presume that he was all nice, when in fact, he was a cunning personality.

One more thing that Senja could sense from him was that his care for his brother wasn't a pretense. Xiao Jun cherished Xiao Tianyao, and Senja didn't doubt even a bit of it.