Like what Xiao Tianyao had promised her, when it's time for dinner, he guide Senja out of the inn toward the nearby restaurant.

This place wasn't a big village, thus not many people were roaming around when they were in the street.

Senja heaved a sigh of relief... she didn't like to stay at a room for whole day and it felt good to be able to take a night out.

Xiao Tianyao held her waist steadily and would grumble if Senja was walking too fast for his liking.

Finally both of them settled in and ordered their dinner.

Senja chose to eat at the table outside, because she felt stifled inside a room. Aside from them, most of the tables were empty, thus their food came faster.

"Why did you help Gong Xu?" Xiao Tianyao asked out of the blue the question that haunted him. He didn't think that Senja would hide something from him and held more information about Gong Xu, but there was always a possibility for everything.