Senja's lips twitched while Xiao Tianyao snickered beside her. "Young man?"

"Give your left hand, young man." She repeated confidently.

Senja's eyebrows creased into annoyed expression. Which part of her that resembled a man? Sure, she was wearing her turban now, for the sake to cover her purple hair and instead of dress she was wearing simple clothes and grey robe.

But, everyone could see that she was a girl!

**What is wrong with this old lady?** Senja grumbled to herself.

"Give her your hand, young man." Xiao Tianyao snickered beside her that's awarded by menacing glare from her.

When Senja still didn't give her hand, the old lady chuckled and grabbed her hand instead. "Don't be shy." She said that made Senja rolled her eyes.

"She needs to know how shameless you are." Xiao Tianyao whispered in Senja's ear.