Xiao Tianyao rushed toward Ye Bai who apparently still didn't realize his presence. He kept talking with one of the twins that Senja couldn't figure out which one, but she didn't have time to mingle with that thought.

In a flash, Xiao Jun had caught up with his brother and held his shoulder.

"What is this Jun?" Xiao Tianyao looked at the hand that clutched his shoulder with menacing glared.

"You can talk to him later. We still have important meeting to attend." Xiao Jun tried to give him a reason, delay their meeting. "You will talk to him, but not now."

But, Xiao Tianyao had another thing in his mind as he swatted his hand and coldly stated. "I will talk to him now." He pointed his finger down to the ground to emphasize his meaning.

After that he resumed to walk. Xiao Jun followed behind him as well Senja and the rest of people present, even Xiao Mugi tag along, Qianru held his little hand.

The closer Xiao Tianyao toward Ye Bai the more he felt strange.