Xiao Tianyao took her threat very seriously. He put around ten guards in front of the door, another ten in front of the window since that was her favorite exit and another ten on the roof. She was surrounded by them inside the room. Added that Xiao Tianyao who would come to check on her every one hour.

He just came inside the room and after he saw Senja was still sulking, he would go out and continued his meeting.

Xiao Tianyao ignored Senja complained and her curse every time he came, all he needed to know Senja was still there. No matter what she said or did, as long as she was still in his sight, all was good.

The sun had down on the horizon and one of the guard brought dinner for Senja, he kept his head low and maintain a distance between them.

Senja didn't know what Xiao Tianyao or Yang Yu had ordered to all of the guards, but they seemed very restless around her and tried to keep minimal contact with her, as if she was some kind of plague.

This irritated her.