With that being said, Senja looked at Yun's line of sight and looked at grandma Riana's grieve, contemplating.

Grandma Riana was very lucky to have someone as devoted as Yun. They loved each other through the time.

After a while, Yun Looked at Senja, waiting to hear what would be her decision.

Took a deep breath, Senja straightened her posture, it would be a big decision that she would take and change her life, entirely. But she also knew, she needed to take this, even though she wouldn't be able to see her family anymore.

Sometime, the choices that one should face weren't always easy to chose, not everyone was lucky enough to keep the important part of their life beside them all the time, she would be one of the example.

It was hard for her to choose to return and be with someone she loved over her family. But, she knew without her, her family would be fine. They would be sad, but they would overcome it with time.