



Le-anne knew she had been given the wrong directions the minute she spotted troops of servicemen marching up and down all over the training grounds. Some exercised their sparing, others horned their gongfu while the rest ran around weightlifting. They were all dressed in hefty maroon and black military uniform that it was hard to imagine how they trained so well under the immense sun.

"We have been practicing since dawn, when will the Grand General give us rest?"

"Ahhh… I cannot feel my hands."

"Grand General! That sly dog is a beast."

Hearing the voices, Le-anne withdrew from the corner that shadowed her into hiding in search for an escape.

However, it was too late.

"Who is there?" a voice called out after her.

Not sparing any second, she started to run for her life. They had been warned before leaving the palace, how it was important to always be at the right place and at the right time in that place.

"Catch her!" They shouted from behind.

A pair of hands got hold of her but she shoved the man to the ground with her elbow. Another military serviceman sprinted towards her but she shuffled to the left with one fluid movement. With renewed vigor, Le-anne took advantage of his slow agile maneuver and struck a blow on his stomach which had him flying into the air.

Turn after turn she raced hoping that the servicemen she had attracted would lose track of her. Dashing from one building to another she was surprised by how everything was more exquisite than she had imagined it would be, since the camp had looked shabby from the outside.

Feeling exhaustion to be taking a toll on her, Le-anne took a sharp turn and stopped to catch her breath. She rested her back against a wall wishing she could become one with it and not be sought out. Not to get further surveillance, she held her chest and tried to calm herself down.

Le-anne was about to leap out from the covering and attempt to hasten out of the Military Grounds Camp when she heard some chortling. She peered her head out to the rear endㅡthe back of the building―and saw two bush tents. Right before the tents were a group of palace ablution maids that were gathered around what seemed to be a table. These were maids that were responsible for anything that involved washing, be it royal bodies or clothes. They could be identified by their light blue hanfu.

Skimming around the place, she noticed a lone maid bent over a bucket at the far end. Le-anne had never felt so grateful at the sight of a maid before. Lightening her feet, she darted towards the lone maid, seized her mouth and pulled her aside. The maid frantically struggled to be set free prior to Le-anne hitting her neck pressure point and silencing her.

Thereafter, Le-anne hurriedly changed into her clothes and slipped herself next to the group of girls. She appreciated that palace maids were required to use face cloths to cover half of their face so as to avoid cases of seduction between them and the military men.

The girls were parting some scarlet delicate flowers and placing them into a basket. Le-anne copied their method but feared that they would notice her apparent lack of skill.

"Sister, you are parting the petals too wide." A maid held up her flower and showcased her flower parting expertness. She tore four petals, merged them into halves then with dexterity she again tore them into diamond shapes before dumping them into the basket.

Le-anne nodded, "Thank you."

The girl looked at her and smiled widely, "Heh? Are you new? Look at how your veil is not tied properly," she untied Le-anne's veil and re-tied it for her. For some reason the girl had the amiability of Mistress Han.

"Thank you." Le-anne repeated awkwardly.

"What is your name? I heard they would send more maids here from the palace due to his majesty staying here." The girl grinned like a cheshire cat keen to make conversation. Le-anne could not easily give out her name or there could be severe consequences later on. It was best for her to remain anonymous.

"Yeh…" she responded and looked down in hope that the girl would let her off.

The girl didn't let go.

"You must be shy as you are new here. Don't worry though, I am also new here." She patted Le-anne's back in a mushy way. "I have always worked in the kitchen but they asked a few of us to come and help out. What about you? When did you come? Did you also come five days ago?" The girl stuck to her jabbering.

"Dao! Since when did parting flowers require your loud mouth?" A court lady appeared and started examining the petals. Le-anne recognized her voice but could not pin-point from where. She wore a dark green hanfu which indicated her seniority of some sort.

'Dao? Is she Mistress Han's daughter?' Le-anne gaped in astonishment. Like Mistress Han, she indeed had the same pastel white skin, rouge cheeks and show stopping pink lips. Curiosity overwhelmed Le-anne, however she heed the saying 'curiosity killed the cat.'

Staying low was best as of now.

"Forgive me, my Lady." The girl that had been pestering Le-anne apologised meekly.

"Hmm... Part the flowers well girls and take note that the Grand General may take his bath anytime soon."

Grand General? Could it be the same general who stole the pendant?

'Good things happen to those who wait,' Le-anne simpered to herself.

Maybe this day had luck in its wings than she thought for her most wanted thief was possibly in the military grounds.

Two military servicemen approached the court lady out of nowhere, "My lady, we have identified a spy on our grounds, you are going to have to excuse us for we would like to have your girls checked." At this, Le-anne still kept her calm. After all, she contemplated the art of disguise as second nature.

"Is it?" the lady mocked, "or it's just another of your excuses to admire these girls?"

"Forgive us my lady but we have to do what needs to be done." The man who had a broken nose persisted. Le-anne grimaced at the sight. Surely she was not the one who hurt him.

"Very well, but they will not untie their veils," the court lady was annoyed, "I have had enough of military servicemen eyeing women that belong to the palace."

They lined up all the maids into a straight line and from opposite ends the two men inspected the girls. Le-anne's heart was beginning to pump wildly against her chest. If they realized she was the intruder then death would be unavoidable. She could not afford to be jailed for intrusion but at the same time she was not ready to have her first kill.

From the corner of her eye she saw Broken Nose approach her. Before her was a girl he looked at brazenly with a smirk then winked to knowingly. From the way they gave each other lusty looks, it was like they were committed to the other in some sort of way.

When he finally stood in front of her, Le-anne glared back at him, eye to eye. The smirk he had cast to the other girl was long gone leaving a cold visage. The man slant his head in her direction to intimidate her but she remained statued. He frowned then moved on but before she could let out a breath of relief he stopped and turned around.

"You!" he growled his eyes raving with recognition.