Chapter 10: Survival???

Nanoha's everyday life was peaceful after the disciplinary committee announce the punishment of the people who were involved with the bullying.

With indisputable proof, the suspects were unable to deny their involvement in the bullying case. The severity of punishment varied based on the level of participation, with the most severe consequence being a one-month suspension. This decision was made by Nanoha to ensure that others wouldn't face expulsion for a single offense. She has given them the benefit of the doubt being all of them were first offenders.

It was however inferred that the real mastermind of the bullying case was not found.

Nanoha did not mind at all. She just wanted to pass the academy days in peace. This however was a very hard thing to do. As soon enough she was once again involved in another incident.

As part of the curriculum their group was led to the wilderness at the back of the academy for a survival class. This class is not your ordinary survival class. As for fairness they students were strictly brief as to how this will happen. They are also given a choice to withdraw but this will cause them to fail in this class.

First of all. The rules are as followed.

1.The student will have to live in the wilderness for a month with only the specific given items.

2.They are not to use magic at all cost. Doing so will result in immediate failure.

3.They will be provided with a modified device that they are required to carry with them at all times.In the event of emergencies, the modified devices they possess will transmit a distress signal, promptly notifying the monitoring team.

4.They are only allowed to bring three personal items with them.

5.Familiars are not allowed.

It sounded a bit harsh for some because most of the students in the Academy are from the elite families. They have never been asked to fend for themselves as they always have people at their beck and call.

This curriculum however was specially made to make this spoiled brat experience life on the edge as it is always the inevitable that is hard to cope with.

With this survival training they will monitor each individual to see how they would react to sudden change in environment and lifestyle.

Some who were really outgoing was thrilled while most were already complaining. Some even question why familiar is not included when they are supposed to always stay by their master's side.

"You brats! Will your familiar always stay with you? What if something happened and you are separated and unable to summon your familiars back. What if something happens to them that made them unable to answer your summons? In extreme cases what if your familiar died? You will be given training so that you will be able to adopt to sudden changes. How can you just relay on people and familiar when you can't rely on yourself."

The professor shouted at the crowd of students.

"You should always learn to prepare for the unexpected. You should also start relying on yourself because you never know what will happen in the next seconds."

"You should anticipate the unforeseen, for it unfolds without warning."

"You will be sent to different parts of the forest. It would be a couple of miles apart from each other so expect to be alone in this assignment. If, however you find a friend or classmate. It is within your own choice, if you want to partner up or separate afterwards. It is however extremely prohibited to attack or injure a friend/classmate intentionally as this would immediately trigger the device, we give you. If you want to spar in the forest, there is an option in the device for such thing and will be considered as valid even if you are injured. However, there are still limitation to this rule like when the opponent's life is at risk or a sudden ambush from a non-combatant person intervene."

"Please be reminded that even though we are far. We still have ways to monitor your movement so don't try to cheat. Okay! That's the end of the briefing. Please come to the front when you are called so that you, we can sort you and send you on your merry way. Make sure that you remember which group you will be put in so that when the survival training starts tomorrow you guys will not be lost."

Nanoha listened attentively. This was not new to her. Her aunts would sometime take her to strange places and they would stay there for a couple of days with practically only a knife and the clothes they are wearing. At first, she was confused why they would trade the comfort of their home to go to this good knows where place to survive with the bare minimum. But as she gets used to it. She realizes that her aunts were instilling on her the necessary skill to survive in whatever type of situation she might find herself.

She remembers the time when they went to the amazon forest. How she learned about the different plant life and which ones are dangerous and which ones are curative. She also remembers the time when they went to the Sahara desert with only a single bottle of water for each of them. Cactus water has a strange taste.

This time was a little bit easier because the forest is full of rich bounties. Her aunts have specially made sure that this place was well preserve and that the natural bounty of the forest was not easily disturbed by pouching and deforestation.

One of the things she must bring is a knife. She will think about what else to bring afterwards. While she was pondering on what to bring. She did not realize that she had strayed from path.

When she realizes this fact, she was already standing at a small bridge. Across the small bridge is a little hut. The place has a serene atmosphere. The little hut was well taken care off as it was not showing any kind of decay or rot from time past. Nanoha was not sure why she was drawn to the little hut but being curious she decided to investigate. The little hut was no more than a few square meters but it felt cozy. There was a small bed inside and a side table. She could see a tea set on the small table.

This shows that someone has been maintaining this place. It was sort of like a retreat place for those who are bothered by the city life. Or simply if you want to have a moment of solitude all for yourself for reflection and retrospect.

"Ara! It seems that I have a guest. Do come in."

"Eh! Shizuru-san. What are you doing here?"

"I come here to relax and have tea sometimes. It's quite peaceful here you see."

"I see. I hope, I did not disturb you. I seem to be lost. Nyahaha"

"True this seems to be far from the main building. I see that you just came from the survival briefing. That will be a fun adventure if I say so myself. Come let me show you the way back. This place did always have a knack for getting someone lost specially If you are not that familiar with the place."

"Have you done the survival training before?"

Nanoha asked as they started their journey back.

"Enough with the honorific. Just call me Shi-chan. I will call you Nanoha-chan like Hayate does. Yes, I have done that. It was a fun adventure."

Shizuru seems to be reminiscing the said adventure.

"It was also the first time I meet Nat-chan. She was pretty wild back then."

Shizuru could not help giggle a little.

Nanoha could not imagine how such a refined person like Shizuru could stay in the wild and still be composed.

"Shi-chan what items did you bring with you to the survival Training."

"Ara, I believe I brought a small knife, flint and a bottle of water."

Now that she heard that she did realize that she should bring something that could help her start fire.

"The Shi-chan do you know what Natsuki-san brought with her? You seem to have meet during the survival training."

Shizuru could not help but let out a few more giggles when she heard what she asked.

"Ara! It was a true eye opener if you ask me. But I have to apologize because I am not allowed to disclose such personal information. If you really want to know you should ask Nat-chan personally. Though I doubt you'll get her to tell you herself."

Shizuru could not help giggling to herself as they continue their walk back to the Academy.

The two also talked about school stuff. They were so engrossed with their talk that they did not even realize when they entered the Academy premises and how some of the scattered people looked at them.

When they finally reached the main entrance of the academy a silhouette could be seen leaning on the main entrance door.

"Speak of the devil. Nat-chan were you waiting for me."

Natsuki inclined from her position and started walking their way. She was wearing a navy-blue biker suit that showcase her magnificent body figure.

"You sure took your time! Come we still need to do some stuff. Hey! Nanoha. What're you doing with her?"

"Nanoha-chan got separated from the group coming back from the survival briefing. I just helped her come back."

"Ah! So, it's time for the first years to try that one ha! It was a nice."

Shizuru giggle.

"So, Nat-chan, Nanoha was asking what did you bring with you to the survival training before."

Natsuki froze for a second before her face turned red. Nanoha was confused and Shizuru giggled harder.

"I will not tell you. You should think of what you want to bring and how it will help you survive."

Natsuki put on a biker's helmet then gave Shizuru another helmet and pulled her over to the side. Were there was a gorgeous Ducati Panigale V4 World Champion Special Series standing by the shade. Natsuki made an effortless motion to ride the bike and revved it alive. Natsuki then extended her hand toward Shizuru before pulling her on. She then made a drifting motion to position the bike on the right path and quickly left the premises.

Nanoha was left awed by the display. She never knew watching someone ride a motorcycle could be that awe inspiring. This thought however was not just her own as a lot of the ShiNats fans were also watching these actions as if they were watching some sort of precious performance. There was even a person recording the moment in her personal device. Another person even pulled out a binocular for a closer look.

ShiNats. (Mixed Fan Club of Shizuru and Natsuki specially the shippers of the two)

Snapping out of it. Nanoha decided to enter the academy only to bump ito a red head.

"Ow sorry about that. Did not see you there? Okay bye." The red head tried to escape when she heard the Nanoha call her. Making the red head stop and look back.


"Oh, so it was you Nanoha. I thought it was the mut- I mean Natsuki. What are you doing here?"

Nanoha was puzzled because obviously this was the entrance of the Academy so. She saw Nao keeping something on her back.

"What's that?"

"What this old thing? Nothing at all. I should be going now. See ya when I see yah."

Nanoha was quite sure that what Nao was holding in her hand was a High-Definition Camera/Video Recorder. She was just not sure what Nao used it for and that she had to be so secretive about it.