
Chapter VIII: The Founder’s Tragic Tale

I was taken aback, big time. Common sense dictates that office tells that office doors should be securely locked, despite the presence of guards, after office hours. That goes triple for this particular office, since this is the Accounting Office, for crying out loud!

This leaves me with two conclusions: either the last person to leave this office was forgetful and careless, or someone deliberately meddled with the locks. Most likely, it was Emma. She's one crazy lady, I thought.

I went inside the office and looked around, half-expecting to find a note behind the door or on one of the lockers. Unfortunately, Emma seems to take pleasure in making people face challenges. Closing the door, I searched for Emma's next clue as noiseless as possible. I was thankful I had my gloves on, since it would be better not to leave fingerprints. I went through all the stuff inside the office: tables, chairs, benches, cabinets, file drawers, and even tissue rolls, garbage bins and toilet bowls inside the washroom. About twenty five minutes later, the whole office was cleared, expect for one room: the Chief Cashier's Office.

This office has often been called the "Office within an office" or simply OWO. I once had trouble finding this office when I was to get the Chief Cashier's signature. It took me about half an hour, since coincidentally, all the people I asked referred to this office as OWO. The interior was not that luxurious but spacious: sky blue walls, polished wooden floor, a narra table in front of two windows, three cushioned seats, a sofa on the left side of the room, and two portraits on the walls flanking the table. One was the Chief Cashier's portrait and the other showed René Descartes. The windows were overlooking the main gate and the street.

Upon successfully entering the room with a lock pick, I suddenly felt that someone or something was watching me when I turned around. Checking the contents of my bag, I brought out a penlight. I was confident that I would be able to locate Emma's next clue in OWO. My search paid off. I saw Emma's clue written behind René Descates' portrait. Penmanship reflecting in the light, I simply asked: "Who was Celestine College's founder?" I smiled as memories came rushing back to me…

* * * * *

The Midterms loom ahead. It'll be in two day's time, and I'm quite nervous. Lately, I've been having trouble reviewing my lessons. I can't put anything in my brain! Sounds normal for a student, huh? Anyway, I'm off to see Emma to tell her that I might not me able to visit her in the coming days.

As I approached the Infirmary, I can't help but smile at a thought. Here's a girl I've met just a few days ago, yet it seems I've known her for a few years already. I'm starting to believe in the concept of soul mates, but then again, I'd be flattering myself if I did. Me? Soul mates with Emma? Who am I kidding?

"Something's bothering you, isn't it?" Emma said when I took my usual spot in the Infirmary garden.

"You never cease to amaze me," I told her. "How do you know things by just looking?" She just shrugged and grinned at my compliment. "Any way, I'm here to tell you that I might not be able to visit you for a couple of days," I went on. "I have to review for the exams."

"Oh… Is that so?" Emma replied with a smile. "Let's get you started then."

Surprised, I exclaimed. "What?"

"I'll help you. Place your notes in front of me, and I'll ask you a couple of questions. Turn to the next page if I tell you to, but no peeking. All clear?" She fired at me without pause.

"Alright, alright. I got it ma'am."

For an hour and half, we went though my notes in English, Chemistry, Physical Education, Computer and other subjects. Strangely, studying became easier. I learned and memorized more from that 90-minute session than my initial overview these past three days.

"That should do for now," Emma said after she reviewed me in Trigonometry.

"Wow! Thanks for the help," I happily said to her.

"No problem," she replied. "It wasn't a big deal. You already had it inside you. I just brought it out."

"You sound like an old school martial arts sensei," I chuckled.

Laughing with me, Emma said, "Yeah, but at least I'm telling the truth." As I fixed my things, she added, "I guess you've been mentally taxed; rest for a while, friend."

We sat at our places for a few minutes. By then, the day's nearing dusk. Emma then spoke.

"Dr. Conrad Celeste."

I shot her a quizzical look. "Huh?"

"Dr. Conrad Celeste," she repeated. "He's CC's founder. You know he has quite a story."

"What's with him?" I asked with mounting interest. "Humor me."

"Well, it's about his love life. Quite tragic I should say."

- - - - -

When he was about 30 years old, Dr. Conrad Celeste proposed to woman named Katherine. Of course, Katherine accepted. Unfortunately, a week before their wedding day, Conrad had a car accident. He became comatose for five years. When he woke up, he learned from his best friend, Engr. Wilhelm Corpuz, that Katherine already married someone else, a Duncan something. Dr. Celeste was much hurt, but he still loved Katherine. After recovering, Conrad visited her. Katherine cried when she saw him. She repeatedly asked for forgiveness, to which Conrad just smiled and replied, 'You've already been forgiven the minute I heard it from Wilhelm.' Dr. Celeste then took his leave, but just as he reached the door, he heard Katherine scream. His husband, an alcoholic, over heard their conversation, and was filled with a fit of jealousy.

'Who was that?' Katherine's husband demanded, a handgun trained at her.

'He's was an old friend,' she replied, tears in her eyes and blood on her lips. By then, Dr. Celeste rushed into the kitchen and found the couple in that situation.

The alcoholic snapped his gaze at the physicist. 'You're the guy?' He said, pointing the gun at Conrad's chest. 'You're the guy, huh?'

'If you would just calm down', Dr. Celeste pleaded as he stepped nearer. 'And I'll explain the situation.'

'Shut up!' Duncan boomed. Then he shot Conrad at the right thigh. The physicist tumbled to the floor, clutching his thigh in pain. Taking advantage of her husband's distraction, Katherine took action. There was a struggle as she tried to gain possession of the gun. To dr. Celeste's horror, Duncan accidentally shot Katherine in the gut. The alcoholic stood wide –eyed as she bled.

'Look what you've made me do to my wife!' Duncan yelled, aiming the gun at Conrad's head.

Just then, a chair came flying, hitting Duncan in the head and rendering him unconscious. Dr. Celeste looked at the doorway; it was Engr. Corpuz! Shouting, Conrad instructed Wilhelm, 'Call an ambulance, quick!' In response, Engr. Corpuz dialed the hospital hotline.

Ignoring the pain, the physicist crawled to Katherine's side. She already lost a lot of blood.

'Katherine! Stay with me!' He begged, pressing at the wound with his shirt to stifle the blood flow.

'Conrad, is that you?' Katherine asked weakly.

'Shh… yes. Don't talk; preserve your strength,' Conrad urged.

'Conrad! They'll be here in ten minutes,' Wilhelm reported as he bound Duncan to a post. 'I've also called the police.'

'Hear that, Kat?' Dr. Celeste was crying now. 'Hold on! Just ten more minutes.'

She just smiled serenely. 'Don't cry Conrad. Hey, remember that time when you promised me you'd build mw a school where I could teach? Go on with it, will you? Call it Celestine College, after our names.'

'Yes, yes, yes. I will…'

'One more thing: kiss me.' He did so, chastely. 'I love you,' Katherine said after she broke the kiss.

'You know I'll say the same thing,' Dr. Celeste returned. 'I love you, too.'

At that, Katherine breathed her last. Her arms went limp after the final ounce of her strength has been spent. She died at the arms of her true love.

A long time of solitude passed; Dr. Celeste fulfilled his promise to Katherine. Thus, Celestine College now stands.

- - - - -

There was silence; I was awestruck with Emma's story. She then broke the silence.

"We're two of the few who knows that story."

I got curious. "Where'd you hear it from?"

"Well," she shrugged. "Let's just say I got it from a very reliable source. Then she gave me one of her killer smiles."

After saying good-bye, I headed for home. I had one question etched in my head: "Why did she tell me that story?"

* * * * *

Now, I know…