Chapter 3

I slowly come to my senses, I open my eyes and I see an unfamiliar roof

"where I am?" I look around me trying to remember what happened to me 'I was just to get the booty, I just needed to climb some rocks, get to the top to the flat part over the rock and enjoy a sweet time, but... i-i think that I just fell off halfway, i- '

"Oh, f*ck" I fell a sharp pain in the back of my head, I grab my head trying to endure the pain for a couple of minutes until slowly the pain is almost all gone, there only a headache, but is endurable. When the pain is tolerable I take a good look at my surroundings.

White walls, fluorescent lights, simple furniture that looks comfortable l, but if you seat too much time it can get slowly but surely uncomfortable. Some plain posters, an info desk with an office lady bored of her job, yeah, this is a government office lobby.

I start to walk towards the info desk, the lady looks up her face light up when she sees me coming towards her "Finally! someone has come! you don't have an idea how boring is working here, my sector sucks!"

"what?" I stare at her dumbfounded

"oh yeah, sorry" she blushes a little for overreacting "welcome to the otherworld, my name is Alex, I'm here to answer all your questions if you have any before I'll tell you your next step"

"Okay... first of all, why I am not screaming for an explanation while I am running all over the place?". 'I know myself and acting weird'

"that? is kinda simple to tell you the truth, there some wards over the place, their function is to keep you calm and that your emotions don't could your reasoning" she explain to me with a smile on her face.

I guess that explains why I am not ogling at her, she his a little pretty thing, for what I can see she has blue big expressive eyes and blonde hair tied in twin tails

"Oh, why isn't anybody here?" I said looking around me again, all I can see from here is some hallway with a lot of doors, like the movie, matrix.

The only difference is that in every door there is a plaque with something written, I can't see what it says from here.

"Ah, that..." she frowns "*sighs* as I said before, this" she signals the hall "it's my sector or zone, start on the beach and finish 10 km in the sea, and only the humans come here, the fishes, seagulls, etc have an automatic system. The last person to come here was two months ago for a traffic accident for being drunk before that was eight months, you get it now?"

"damn, your job sucks, but all least is an easy job you don't have trouble too much and I guess you can do everything you want, right?"

" Nah, I have to be in standby all the time, the best I can do is read something and that's because I begged to my boss for months"

"Oh, alright what's next?"

"well if you don't have any questions?" I shake my head "*sighs" the next you have to do is go through that hallway" she points the hallway that i was looking before "and going into the third right door, the one that says 'humans', once there you have to take a number, stand in the platform and then you only wait for your turn"

'it looks like a government office and it works like one, damn it!'

"ok, thanks for your help"

"it's not a problem, it's my job and after all, i enjoy doing it" she seemed to shine at her statement

"*chuckles* goodbye Alex" i start to walk to the hallway, now i can see the plaques of each door, a fish, a seagull and finally a human i reach to the dolor i heard Alex across the hallway "byeee!! good luck and i hope you have enough K.P. to move on!!"

"what?" my hand was in the handle of the door and I was already opening it "what do you mean by K.P.?!" I turned to look at her

she says something that I can't hear "what?! I can't hear you!!"

and before she can say anything else I fell a strong suction force from the door



Again I am in a strange place, I see rows of white columns to the right, left, forward and in between those uncomfortable seats again

"ok, where are these numbers?" I walk to the right and I see them "let's take one" I extend my hand to the numbers and take it, it writes the number '2,765,543,890', the paper is long enough to enter the number and the color white pale like bones

"you gotta to be kidding" I furrow my brows and can fell a headache forming, put my fingers in the bridge of my nose " *sigh* well were is this f*cking platform? Oh there you are"

I stand on the platform and I fell a strange force in my feet. "whoa"

the platform levitates and takes me between the rows of seats, drop me in one of them.

"Hey! be more careful will yea?"

"ok, if this is anything like a government office, the only thing left to wait for my turn"

While a was making myself more comfortable in this seat the platform that I thought that was gone long ago projects a screen in front of me.

[Do you wish to enter the annual lottery?]

[Yes] [No]

"eh... why not?" I said while shrugging, I press the yes button

[Enter the number of death]

"Number of death? mmm... maybe is this one 2,765,543,890" *sigh* "and enter"

[Now you're participating, introducing the user in standby mode until it's your turn, good luck]

"Wait, standby mode?!" then I lose the consciousness

The next thing I know is that the platform is carrying me again across the rows of seats and take me to the front

The f*cker drop me again like a sack of potatoes, but this time in front of a desk, there a dude this time, he seems nice enough.

"Ok, let's keep this simple, this is like a check-in, like an airport l, you have been in an airport, right?" I nod "well, let's see that number"

I start to take the paper with my number on it, at the moment I try to give it to him, he widens his eyes at the first sight of the paper

"wow wow wow, that goes beyond my paycheck" he raises his hands like in defeat

"what's wrong whit it?"

"you don't get it, do you?" he leans closer, his elbows on the table and points out the paper in my hand "the color has changed, that only means something" I look to the ticket again, this time I look closer the edges now were in silver color

"it's something bad?" I swallow

"No! on the contrary, you!" he points at me "have won the second place in the lottery!!"

"wow, what I have won?"

"geese what a dull response, ah it must be those wards, in response about your question, I can't tell you" he shrugs

"what?! why?!"

"only the big boss can tell you, I have to notify this, it couldn't take too long until he arrives" he starts to write something in his keyboard "you want to drink something while you wait?"

"Mmm, coffee isn't too bothersome?"

"No, it's fine I will be back in five"

I was left there daydreaming about i could have won in the lottery, a couple of minutes pass this way until a man in a black suit comes in, the seat in front of me.

i try to look at his face, but no matter how much i try to look at his face, i can't, it's like a fog is covering his face.

He doesn't say anything he is just there like Mr. Burns, looking at me, judging me. A though cross in my head

'where i am? the afterworld? what i am doing here? waiting to my soul to be judged, So who is this guy? Until now i only meet minions in the power scale'

"The death" he says smirking

"What?" and now i am thankful for those wards if those wards where not there i think that i would shit myself

"*chuckles* there, there take it easy, like my subordinate said this is like a check-in, let me see that ticket" he extends his hand waiting for it

I try to move, but i can't, I look at my hand and realize that the knuckles of my hand were white 'ok, take it easy *breath in* *breath out* relax... let's try to count to ten' slowly I relax myself

"*sigh* here" i give him my ticket

"are you better now?" i nod "let me check your profile" the death starts to type in the keyboard "hmmm, a decent life not too shabby and you have a good amount of K.P"

"excuse me" he looks at me "but what are the K.P.?"

"Oh, those are Karma points, you see all that you do sums to the total and in the check-in, we see if you have enough you can reincarnate in a human again, this time with better conditions or in an animal"

I thought a moment 🤔 "but what happens if I am a bad person or i committed atrocities in my life"

"if that happened you wouldn't we here, you would we sent to the realm of cleaning of souls, aka hell" I swallow "that said, let me tell you that you have bad luck, you encounter your soul mate, which by the way these are very rare, and moments later you die"

"You're kidding, she was my soul mate?!" i can't contain my surprise and curse my bad luck

"haha, yeah she was, in this reality, you have bad luck in life, in one of the different realities you end married with her, have a successful business and two daughters"

"F*ck you other me" I can't help it, my other me win the booty *sigh* "and what happened to her in this reality?"

"mmm let me check" he starts to type in the computer again "at first, she felt guilty about your dead, look if she can do something to compensate you and ended taking care of your dog after all that, she takes your advice and talks to her father in the end she found her own millionary company"

"wow, in the end, she was that talented"

"it wasn't only her talent she makes the effort to get there, oh you bring the coffee, nice" death says rubbing his hands

the office man come back with two cups "one for the boss and one for the guest" he says placing the cups in the desk "now if you need me i will be outside the cubicle"

Death takes a sip of the coffee, then he looks at me "what are you waiting for?"

"oh yeah, sorry" I start to add some milk and sugar to my coffee i heard the death saying

"now the next step shows you what have you won" he types with one hand in the computer while the other hand he is still drinking his coffee "here" he turns around the screen and shows it to me

[1st place: A system and reincarnation of a world of choice]

[2dn place: A power to choose and a reincarnation in a random world]

[3rt place: A reincarnation in a random world]

i was sipping my coffee and almost spit it out



"So, tell me... what power or golden finger do you want?"

i though long and hard enough and an idea pops in my mind 'could be?'

"the worlds i can reincarnate, are all normal worlds or some are fantasy?" he signals me whit his hand '50/50' "i want the library of heaven path!"

"mmm, ok done" he types again in the computer when he is done he brings out a roulette from nowhere an places it in front of me "Now, spin it and where it falls it would be your next world"

Now i am getting nervous again 'lest count to ten again and hope for the best' *sigh*

I touch the roulette and spin it whit force

there are too many symbols, and all the colors too, gold, red, violet, pink, blue, maroon, yellow and much more!

My hands are sweaty, now i can only wait for the best outcome, i watch how it stops in a blue symbol, it expands and it says

[DC universe]

*whistle* "that's a good one" he looks at my face and notices that I am not jumping of joy "what's the matter? you don't like this one?"

"No, it's not that, it's just that i am more a Marvel person and only watched the movies and some cartoons when i was a boy, the worst part is that i don't remember too much about DC *sigh*"

"ha ha ha! some people could kill you to see that world and you're sulking? ha! and where is the fun to know everything, have some adventure instinct will you?"

"yeah you're right, ah and who i am going to reincarnate?"

"let me look" he types again "what here says is he is a nobody, but i can place you a better body with much more talent if you exchange some K.P., what do you say?" i nod "ok, its done"

the death raises his hand and prepares to snap his fingers "goodbye, and good luck"


That snap do eco in my mind before i lost my conscience


I fell the hard floor in my back, my body hurt and i can hear someone talking to my side

"He is dead?" a feminine voice ask

"No, i don't think so, he probably just pass out" another more serious feminine voice answer her

"ugh" i open my eyes and i see two pairs of beautiful eyes one of the blues and the other green. To my left, i see a blonde girl, long hair and an innocent look, she has a blue and red top and a red skirt.

And to my right a girl with a tight purple skinsuit, she is a read head and has a mask

'oh fuck! i may not have too much knowledge from DC, but i know who these two are...'