Chapter 10

You could see a teen walking in the halls of the Gotham city high school, his body was slightly in shape that he was training like crazy but there so much that you can do in a week even with ki and the library of heaven path, he was fair skinned, his black messy hair was there without combing like always, he was wearing a concert t-shirt, blue jeans, black all star converse.

He was going to the director office to find his papers, he is going to his first lab class, a secretary is accompanying him to show him the way.

"Wait here, I will inform the teacher about you" then she enters the classroom without waiting for my answer

He was left there looking at the poster hanging in the beige wall, cheering at the team of the school, the high titans of Gotham.

The secretary comes out and calls him to enter, once inside he greets the teacher, Mr. Brooks.

"thanks, Mrs. Hawkins" the professor thanked the secretary for the trouble

"No big deal, if you need me you know where to find me" Mrs. Hawkins said while she was leaving.

"would you like to present?" Mr. Brooks said to the new student

"Alright," said the new student nodding " Hi everybody I am Thomas, I hope we get along"

"mmm ok, Sandy! raise your hand" a pretty girl with blonde hair raises her hand "Thomas, she is Sandy, your new lab partner"

Thomas walks toward her and the same time he takes a good look at her, strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes, she was wearing a striped shirt, destroyed skinny jeans and white sneakers.

She is in thinking pose, she sees him and takes her bag from his seat "hi there, I'm Sandy Cole" she says while extending her hand

"Thomas," he said shaking it

Sandy grabs her bag and takes out a notepad, while she scribing something she turns facing Thomas "Hey Thomas were are you from?"

"Chicago, why?" He said taking is look from their assignment, that by the way, he was doing alone.

"mmm, just curious" Sandy answered still scribing something "In what your parents work?"

"They had an Italian restaurant there"

"They were good?"

"Oh yeah, you have to taste the handmade pasta that my mother made in the restaurant" and it was true his mother was one of the best, she was a sous chef in a great restaurant from Chicago, she only quit her job because she wanted to open a restaurant with his father

"And you are good cooking?" She never stopped writing once in her notebook

"Why so many questions?" normally, someone waits to enter into some confidence with the other person before asking so many questions

"Well to tell you the truth, I am a student editor from Gotham high newspaper, the owl" she said taking a copy from her bag and showing it to me.

"Nice, but why your sudden interest on me?"

"I don't know to tell you the truth, maybe is the instincts of a journalist or maybe of a woman, but something tells me that you're are going to we part of something big and interesting, so I wanna be the first to be there or at least be the first to interview you" Sandy says while placing her right palm in her right cheek, her pinky and ring finger closed while the rest of her fingers are touching her cheek, her elbow resting on the table and looking at Thomas directly at his eyes, she was charmed by the golden mixed with green of his hazel eyes.

Thomas was watching her reactions, a smile slowly forming in his face when an idea formed in his mind

"well, I don't have any problem to answer your questions, but you have to do me a little favor" Sandy frowns and then she sent Thomas a questioning look "I am new in the town, I didn't tour the city in my week here, maybe you can show me some nice spots to hang out or something, what do you say?"

She takes a good look at Thomas analyzing him, like searching a hidden message or something, after a few minutes of silence

"It will be a pleasure a show you around the city, but don't try to do anything funny, ok?"

Thomas held his left hamd in the air while his right hand in his chest "I promise that I won't do anything without your permission"

"And why are you so sure that I will give you my permission?" she said leaning closer to him

"You could say that is my man intuition" Thomas said while taking a lock of her hair and putting it behind her ear

Sandy chuckled lightly "let's see about that"


The rest of the class was ok, the assignment was pretty easy for Thomas, so he did it alone to finish it faster something that Sandy was grateful for.

Mr. Brooks even congratulate Thomas for an excellent job, he was so happy that he gave to Thomas and Sandy the rest of the class to do whatever they want, quietly of course.

They used the time chatting and joking, from the perspective of other people they looked like a couple.

Almost at the end of the class, he could fell the penetrating look of somebody, Thomas turned around a good looking teen was fiercely looking at him, he has black hair combed, blue eyes and he was fit.

"Hey Sandy, I think that your boyfriend is jealous" Thomas whispered

She turned around, looked at the teen "that's not my boyfriend, he is only my 'friend', Dick Grayson"

'Dick Grayson, it sounds familiar' 🤔


"*sigh* Well it was fun, here" she handed a piece of paper to him, she had a little blush on her face "Call me sometime, so I can give you that tour or something" then she leaves before he can say anything

He proceeds to keep Sandy number in his bag and leaves for the next classroom. In the hallway, he heard someone call to him

"Hey, I think that I was not presented" Thomas turned around and there was Dick "I am Richard Grayson, my friends call me Dick" he says extending his hand for a handshake

"Your friends call you polla?"

"Excuse me?"