Chapter 12

"So?" Superman crosses his arms expecting an answer

At the first notice of Superman Batgirl and Robin took a move from the book of Batman, they just disappear and run like there is no tomorrow

*chuckle* "no big deal it just a boy that asked your cousin a date" Batman pointed to the boy down the street, Thomas was fighting some random thief that wanted to steal him and the car

"That boy that is beating those thieves down there?"

"Yeah, that's the one" Thomas was hitting the thieves, they were knock out pretty easy, then he slapped them repeatedly until they were all wake-up, after that he ordered that they had to get on their knees.

"and why is he saying aloud that he is forgiving them?"

"I think that is from a book, Oscar Wilde if I'm not wrong, he is just finding if the book was right about annoying your enemies by forgiving them"

"Oh, he is like flash then, annoying his enemies and friends equally" Superman pointed out

"hmmm" Batman could not agree more, sometimes flash is insufferable, but he is a good friend and someone to break the ice in the high tensions moments in the league

after a while of looking Thomas superman resign himself that the boy isn't bad, it's just that he does whatever he wants when he wants *sigh* "Well at least he has good taste for cars"

"What do you mean? wait a moment you know that car?"

"it's a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle ss 454, it's a classic muscle" said Superman puffing his chest a little more taking pride in his knowledge

"I am surprised that you know about this" He himself only knows about a few classic cars the rest of his knowledge of cars, goes from new expensive cars to really expensive cars

"A neighbor in Smallville had one of this" commented superman, remembering his days in Smallville, he and all the boys dreamed to have a car like that when they grow up, now even if he bought it he doesn't even have the time to enjoy it *sigh*

"Well, other than that, why do you really come here?"

"I guess that you forget that today was poker night, so i come to find you so we can play poker with the rest of the league, oh! and the green arrow is trying to convert the poker night in strip poker"

"What the others said about it?" for the first time Batman takes off his look from Thomas and stared at Superman

"Well, Diana looks interested in the idea, Black Canary said she is in and Hawkgirl said why not? By the way, all the guys are in" Superman said

Batman in his mind is imagining Diana a.k.a. Wonder Woman losing all her clothes in an all in go bet, doing a slow striptease in a pole right in front of him. when she was only wearing a pair of black lace panty, she started to shake her booty 'mmm that ass'

"hmmm... let's go"


After his uncle get the crane to transport the car, he takes it to an old repair shop what is being used as a garage, the place is near the upper east side

The place has the repair shop on the ground floor, at the side an entrance door that takes you to a hallway and some wooden stairs that leads to the apartments on the first and second floor.

his uncle Howard was beside Thomas "is a nice car, you have really good luck to find it on the streets abandoned, but what are you going to do now?"

Thomas looked at his uncle unsure how to answer, even himself wasn't sure what to do from now on. He has the car, but he doesn't have any plan from now on

"How about another test?" Howard is trying to test Thomas in every way, so he can exceed him in every way, and maybe he can earn the inheritance over all his daughters and granddaughters "I will give you 10,000 dollars, you have to make it one million in one year, what do you say?"

"That is a little unreal, but why not? challenge accepted" 'after all I have the library of heaven path, it was only a matter of time, now that I have some capital I can accelerate the process'

"On the first floor, there are two persons renting the first department" Howard takes from his pocket two keys, one of the keys has the number two on it, and give them to Thomas "there you go, now you have to pay a rent 1000 dollars every month, let's sing the papers and get over this"

"If I move here, then what will happen about mom and dad?"

"That's not my problem, but I guess your mother is going to make a scandal, so you have to visit every day there or you can come here like it is your work, this is where you rest and my home is where you live, I don't know it's your choice"


After some thinking, he decided to use the apartment like a resting place, the repair shop/garage like make some repairs, work like a mechanic or something entirely else, who knows. So he started to move a couple of things to the new department like a bed, a kitchen, a fridge, and some things for every day, clothes, food, some utensils.

When he was coming down he saw a little girl with only her blonde head could be seen outside of the door watching how Thomas is slaving himself carrying everything alone

When he was done and saw the little girl blushing while watching him all drenched in sweat "hello" he said to her

*meep* she slammed the door with force, running in shame from him

"*chuckle* Well let's deal with her later"

After he finished tidying up the department he goes to the garage to inspect all the tools there, in what condition is, if the tools are usable and all that he has to change.

In the end everything pretty much usable, some of them has to be replaced soon because they are too old.

"So this must be the old garage of uncle Howard, so he is challenging me to do the same as him or make it better than he do it when he was young."

The place has enough space for 4 cars, there is a pit when the mechanic can go under the car see what is the problem and fix it

"Ok let's start cleaning" Thomas started cleaning, taking out the trash, dust that it accumulated with the years, he also has to see if he can salvage some auto parts, some were usable, the rest of it could have caused problems in the long run, Thomas is lucky that the library of heaven path is idiot proof, it tells you all the little details, how it works, if there is any problem with it, anything

After Thomas finished cleaning the dust from years without cleaning, he opens the garage front to throw all the garbage on the garbage dump that is on the street.

Then he sees the condition that is in the front, 'it looks like it was abandoned for years by uncle Howard' *sigh* Thomas resigns himself to clean the front, replace the broken light tubes, put new ones, clean the windows, when he finished it was at the night, he was tired hungry, but it was done.

The place now looks decent and it is ready to receive some clients, not that he is going to open right now, he is tired, hungry and probably, is own mother Veronica, is going to kill him for staying outside too late.

When Thomas was admiring his work, heard the sound of a bike closing to him.

He turns around to see a girl on what it looks like a racing bike, she is dressed in a black tight skinsuit that is open from the sides of her body, the upper part looks like a tank top, under it has a platinum color scale armor, an orange belt, on her back two scabbards, orange with black lines boots and gloves, an black/orange mask that let you see her mouth, her white her flowing with wind

"Hey, this is open? I have a job to do and I have little time" She asks Thomas