iris and takumi finally got to the apartment, takumi went straight to their separate bedrooms.

takumi fell flat on his bed and sighed heavily.

"I'm glad that's over" hr said to himself and remembered touching her boobs and smiled, he hadn't remembered the last time he had ever touched a girl like that.

iris woke up at mid night, snuck to watch TV and a program was showing she loved watching tokyo real wives and her eyes caught something and she smiled. An idea popped into her head.

iris walked into takumi's room wearing a transparent night gown and heard him whistling in the shower, she smiled and took off her clothes and joined him in the shower. takumi's eyes were blinded by soap lather and he reached for the soap bar but iris gave it to him.

"oh thanks iris, iris!" he realised, the lather washed away from his eyes and she stood there naked with him in the shower.

"takumi please don't be angry at me anymore" her boobs pressed his chest and he felt her nipple pop out.

"what is this?" he asked

"you don't like it I can do more" she said and raised her breasts to his face and noticed his manhood firm like a rock and she screams.

takumi sits naked in his bath tub feeling ashamed at how he reacted to iris' move earlier and wondered what would make her react like that. he liked it.

iris walks to the park with takumi few meters away from her, she looked at people playing with their dogs and family when a man suddenly been bumped into her

"oh I'm sorry" she said and saw the same English man from earlier this morning.

he looked at her dress and smiled at her.

"I see you are wearing a dress from my mall"

"your mall?" she asked confused

"yes the mall is owned by me" he said and put his hand on her shoulder. "you look beautiful" he took her hand and kissed it.

takumi pushed him away from her

"look are you stalking her?" takumi asked

"I see you are her boyfriend" he said

"I'm not!" his cheek blushed pink

"then I don't see any reason you should be paranoid over her meeting new people"

"and I think you should mind your business" takumi pushed him away, went to iris' side and held her hand

"I see you're really hostile, any who, here's my card, if you're ever in trouble think of me" he gives a strange looking card to iris

"we don't need it" takumi said

"oh you will" he said and walked away

"are you sure you don't know that guy?"

"I really don't know him" she replied.

they continued their walk and an ominous sound is heard

"what's that?" takumi asked, looked behind him and saw a a strange looking girl with mechanical parts all over her body.

"um hello do we know you?" iris asked

"it's obvious we don't, run!" takumi said and they ran but she appeared in their front.

"oh shit" takumi swore.

"who are you?" iris asked the strange looking girl.

she grinned deviously "your end!" she said and two swords appear in her hand

"bring it on" iris said and her eyes glowed blue.

"do you really think you can fight me?" the girl said as she disappeared.

"where'd she go?" takumi asked and a sword was on his neck.

"I'm faster than you think I am" she said as she slowly placed the sword on his neck, he bled slowly

"iris help" takumi said with fear in his tone.

"let him go" iris said as she charged furiously.

"you can have him" she kicked takumi to iris, iris caught him. and she charged with speed.

"watch out!" takumi yelled trying to warn iris

a sword is thrown at her from an unknown distance and a hand catches it.

takumi and iris stood there in shock, looking at a masculine figure blocking the pale winter sun from their eyes. they looked up to see his face and saw the same guy from earlier this morning. he looks at them with the corners of his eyes and smiled.

"thought you wouldn't need me" he said.