The General

"Ah yes, this is the moment of truth today!" shouting on top of a fort stood a man named Fallen Cloud. "That is if we don't get our asses handed to us on a silver platter first Fallen Cloud" says a young women standing next to him. "Come now Swift Wind with your precision and my great strategic calling there's no way this fort will fall." Fallen cloud proudly telling Swift Wind that with his strategies this fort wont falter. "Yeah yeah, that's the same words you said last time too and look at us now; we're here defending another guild's fort..." With these truthful words Fallen Cloud pretends to not hear them from his best friend and stands his ground staring into the distance where he thinks the enemies will be coming from. Standing there looking into the horizon they wait patiently for the enemies to assault the fort they were paid to help defend.

Fallen Cloud an average build and height of a man. His face is that of a young male late teens, but has a smirk full of hope and positivity. Regardless of his name which sounds more opposite this man is now one of the defender of this fort. Losing their guild fort has left them no choice, but to become mercenaries until they can claim another one. Fort is a beneficial structure to have within the game Realm of Gods. Anything that connects to forts via road NPC pays a tax for the guild who owns the fort which helps the guild gain some income. However Fallen Cloud and Swift Wind's guild had lost theirs and is now back to square one to making gold which is mercenary work. "I told you we needed someone with a strategic mindset to help the guild defend." Swift Wind still not 100% positive that Fallen Cloud should be the one leading this defense, because he had lost their's a couple of days ago. With a less reassurance tone Fallen Cloud replies to Swift Wind as if he didn't want to reply "This time its different though." Not sure if Fallen Cloud is really up for the job now "How is it different this time? please do explain to me." Swift Wind now wanting to know if there was any difference from his last strategy plan.

"Well you see the road up ahead is 4 roads joining into 1. Which means there will be more than 1 faction leading an assault on this fort" Fallen Cloud explaining the road which Swift Wind can clearly see and too obvious to miss. "I can see that, but if that is not noticeable i don't know what else is." Rubbing her head as if she has a headache slowly creeping on her. Swift Wind wonders why she followed this Baboon of a man still today. "Well you can see they will fight each other first before reaching the fort and their force will have weakened and we take the advantage of being full force." Explaining that difference of power between forces defending and attacking to Swift Wind. Fallen Cloud feels proud of his explanation just now. "You do realize that if a guild decides to pay other guilds to join them for this assault they wont be weakened at all and still have more force right?" A deep voice from behind them which startled Fallen Cloud and Swift Wind.

"Also if you're the one leading why are you on this roof? shouldn't you be down below explaining this strategy of yours to the defending raid teams?" says the man standing behind them. "And who are you? if you don't mind me asking" Swift Wind firstly wants to know this person who is on the roof with them. The issue with Swift Wind is that this is not just any ordinary roof, but the fact that this building is 15 story high. The only way to climb or get up here is to be skilled enough to use your cool down of skills and physically to reach it. Realm of God's physics is too brutal for anyone to really achieve such a feat. Only a few players has achieved wall climbing either through skills or sheer physical strength. The way the game is made was too brutal for the physical body to handle. Having to connect a VR head piece on and wearing the state of the art suit. Which gives more than just a shock to the body from in-game contacts. Luckily the shock does not affect the head area. The player stands in the middle of a square with the utility of the platform surrounding from all sides. The platform will then keep the player afloat within the squared area which lets the player move freely without hitting the walls of where they are gaming from. This new technology lets anyone play from anywhere as long as the platform utilities are placed inside the room. As for the "shock" from the game it's not just any tiny shock when struck in-game. This suit is not illegal, but the world gaming industry committee is 50/50 whether this suit is considered lethal or not. Some games are rated by how much shock the suit gives out which dictates what players are willing to buy and not buy. Realm of Gods is one of the highest shock game out currently with a rating of 10 it is rated at 9/10. Given its high shock rating it's also considered one of the best game out which makes some players whose less to the idea of this high rating to still buy it.

"This is a 15 story high building how did we not noticed him get up here? Let alone the amount of physical strength needed when your skills are on cool down" Swift Wind asking Fallen Cloud in private voice channel which does not make the character's mouth move. By doing this the unknown man in front of them wont know they are speaking about him. "Hehe, your guess is as good as mine" replies Fallen Cloud with an unsure answer, he too wondered how this unknown mystery man had gotten up here with them. To scale such a structure one would need to know where to even grabbed onto when no skills are available. The building they are on has almost no cracks and lacked window sills to grab onto. Making it a harder wall to scale up on, but if one was to be a class that had the climbing abilities it can immensely help them up. Now that Fallen Cloud is looking at this mystery man before them. He noticed that this man isn't a class made to climb walls at all. This mystery man wore armor that was too heavy to even think about trying to scaling this building to begin with. Not only that he carries a large glaive that seems too heavy and a burden to have on the entire time climbing. The glaive is roughly 6 feet long handle alone with the blade included makes it 8 feet total. The Blade does not seem to be made sharp but rounded where the sharp edge should be which boggled Fallen Cloud's mind. Just who is this man? and what is he doing up here besides asking the question he had said earlier to Fallen Cloud. "So much for being a strategist you can't even figure this out?" Just as Swift Wind had finished her words she almost missed the swing of the glaive at her right pelvis.

Swift Wind jumps back just in time to dodge the swing of the glaive that would've shattered her pelvis. Seeing the attack that just happened Fallen Cloud leaps back and takes a defensive stance pulling out his daggers. "Who are you?!" Fallen Cloud aggressively asking the mystery man who just tried to harm his friend. "Let's just say that i am the leading assault party. Technically its not a party if its just me right?" with a devious smile on his face the mystery man takes an offensive stance. Drawing her bow Swift Wind takes a few more steps back knowing that as a range class being in melee range will be a disadvantage for her. The feeling that both Fallen Cloud and Swift Wind are feeling now is that of a prey not being able to escape from a predator. "I didn't think that i'd find the strategist for this fight so easily" still smiling deviously the mystery man steps forward and swing towards Fallen Cloud who easily jumps back to dodge the swing. As soon as Fallen Cloud has moved back the mystery man lets go of his glaive, but not completely just loosening the grip where he held. By doing this he had extended his glaive further out for more reach and the blade is now going towards Swift Wind. Fallen Cloud who now just noticed that he was the bait set up is not in position to help Swift Wind in this dilemma. Swift Wind seeing this blade coming closer and very fast towards her has no time to react. Originally she had thought that the length of the swing was too short and she wouldn't have to react. Her reaction was too slow the only thing she can do to help lessen the impact was putting her bow between her and the blade. The blade coming in fast for such a size of a weapon collides with the bow, but even with the bow between the impact still sent Swift Wind flying off the building's roof.

"Swift Win..." Just before Fallen Cloud can finish saying Swift Wind's name. He had been struck from the side also and is falling off the roof in the same direction. During the brutal first attack on Swift Wind; Fallen Cloud had not been paying attention towards the mystery man. After the impact sent Swift Wind flying off he continued his motion with the momentum and had stepped forward during the spin to attack Fallen Cloud. Both Fallen Cloud and Swift Wind are falling downward from the rooftop. Swift Wind works against gravity to turn her body to face up in time to see that Fallen Cloud is right behind her and behind Fallen Cloud is the mystery man who jumped down after them. Seeing that Fallen Cloud has not recovered yet she takes aim to stop the mystery man from doing any damage to Fallen Cloud. This man is not a nobody to be able to creep up on them without their knowing and now using Fallen Cloud as a meat shield to not get hit by Swift Wind's arrows. The shock that was sent to both players from the gaming suit was overwhelming painful. On the real world when the glaive had struck them the suit sends a painful shock wave of what the glaive did in-game to their physical body. This was one feature of this new platform that made it dangerous for players who plays high shock rating games. Fallen Cloud holding his side can't say a single word of how painful it is, but the look on his face says it all. Swift Wind with tears in her eyes somewhat blurred vision is trying to hit her target while trying to ignore the pain. The pain not only painful, but affecting her aiming as well. Her aiming form is not good which makes it too scary to release her string in case she hits Fallen Cloud due to bad form mistake. Fallen Cloud now sees that Swift Wind is aiming in his direction, but seems hesitant to shoot. "Go ahead Swift" with a tone of pain from hell Fallen Cloud was able to say three words to Swift Wind. "Are you sure? i might hit you" exclaims Swift Wind. With a roaring voice that Swift Wind has never heard before from Fallen Cloud "I'M YOUR GENERAL FOR THIS BATTLE DO IT! THAT'S AN ORDER!" Swift Wind surprised by this order uses one of her skills called Blind Shot. Blind shot is a skill that lets the Archer shoot anything behind a target or wall by guessing how far back the main target is. The skill is shot to the right/left/below/above the wall and will curve behind it. Blind shot is up for 10 seconds and depends on the archer's speed of shooting will determine how many arrows can be shot within that time limit. The archer also can't move during the cast bar of blind shot is being channeled. Making an archer a sitting duck, but the shot itself is beneficial when an archer thinks an enemy is behind something. A double edge sword is what some calls this archer skill.

Swift Wind unleashes 8 arrows out going around Fallen Cloud all targeting the mystery man behind. Each arrow is set to go behind Fallen Cloud at different range due to Swift Wind's judgement. If this man is as good as he is; he'll dodge some and be able to put distance between him and Fallen Cloud. Just as Swift Wind's judgement she was correct the mystery man had parried 3 and put some distance between him and Fallen Cloud. For now Fallen Cloud is out of harm's way, but for how long? Swift Wind's thought process starts to think of ways to counter this mystery man when they land. The landing wasn't the best landing anyone has ever seen in this game. If one was to describe it Fallen Cloud landed on his upper back shoulder from trying to do a combat roll. Swift Wind's landing wasn't any better she landed with her 2 foot which took majority of the weight causing her knees to buckle. The mystery man however landed with ease as if he had jumped down from a box that was only 2 foot high. Where they landed was in the middle of the fort which most of the defending raid members were gathering around. The landing of these 3 had startled them, but upon seeing that 1 of the 3 does not have the same raid tag as them they take an offensive stance and surrounds this individual.

"Seize this man at once he's the enemy!" Fallen Cloud not in as much pain as he was when falling was able to give a quick command to the raid members. Surrounded, the mystery man does not seem to be in a panic state even though there's over 200 players around him. "Hello there peasants, my name is Thunder Mountain." The smile on Thunder Mountain's face was that of a very friendly smile, but the intention of what he said was more of an insult to everyone around him. "You dare to fight all of us?" questioned Fallen Cloud whose still holding his side from the earlier surprise attack. "Lets see here" as Thunder Mountain says that he starts doing a head count looking around him. "I think this man is too much for us and where did he come from? he's not from our server correct?" Swift Wind with trembling legs from fear and her bad landing asked Fallen Cloud. "I don't know I've never heard of Thunder Mountain nor was I informed of the enemy having such a strong adversary." Fallen Cloud didn't hide anything from Swift Cloud as he was sure that the scouts had given him all the information he needed earlier for this Defensive mission.

"It seems to only be small fishes here where are the real leaders at?" After counting and looking for anyone who looks to be of importance Thunder Mountain asks a question that seemed to have pissed off Fallen Cloud. The raid team that is surrounding Thunder Mountain is being led by Fallen Cloud, but to be called a small fish along with his subordinates was a shot to his status for this mission. "Hey I'm the leader of this raid don't you dare look down on me!" Fallen cloud answered Thunder Cloud. "Oh yeah i forgot about you. Although I did just crushed you from up there you're no match for me if you couldn't even dodge that." Thunder Mountain making sure that everyone around him hears what he just said and that their raid leader was easily taken care of. Another way to take the advantage is to use words to demoralize the enemies when outnumbered. "Would you like to take me on 1 verses 1 now that you're not doing surprise attacks?" Fallen Cloud knew that what Thunder Mountain just said demoralized his raid team and to give the team some morale is to defeat Thunder Mountain 1v1. Doing this his raid team won't be low in morale when the enemy main force does come. "Well then if you insist on dying this fast for a fort that doesn't belong to your guild i don't mind" Thunder Mountain does not decline Fallen Cloud, but instead keeps giving some facts to hurt Fallen Cloud mentally. The raid team makes a wider circle for their Raid leader and the 1 man army Thunder Mountain to have a duel in. Fallen Cloud unsheathes both dagger and with one quick movement disappears with the cloud of sand that was swept through the air. Thunder Mountain however does not flinch or make any movements. He stands there with the hilt of the glaive on the ground and the blade facing towards the sky, but he doesn't make any movement just standing there holding the glaive. "If i don't redeem myself here then this mission will lose over 200 players for this defense that can jeopardize the entire mission" Fallen Cloud talking to himself trying to hype himself up of how important this duel is. "Good luck and be careful Fallen this Thunder Mountain was able to dodge arrows in mid air and put distance no ordinary person can do that freely. Swift Wind reminds Fallen Cloud how dangerous Thunder Mountain was. Sweating already Fallen Cloud takes note of what Swift Wind just said as he sneaks behind Thunder Mountain whose still standing there since the start of the duel.