Emerge and Perish on Her Own

Qiao Wenjuan rolled on the ground twice before crying out in pain, "Qiao Mu, you disrespectful cur! You dare to treat me like this?"

Qiao Mu did not allow for any objections and punched her in the stomach twice in succession. Qiao Wenjuan felt her innards boiling in pain and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her face turned more twisted, and she shakily pointed at Qiao Mu as she shrilly screamed, "You-you little cu—"

Bang! Qiao Mu swung another punch at Qiao Wenjuan's chin.

Qiao Wenjuan could hear her chin cracking, and she was sent flying back by an enormous force, heavily landing on the ground and tumbling. She could hardly get up as she teetered on the brink of death.

"I am risking my life outside with the zombies, but you are holding my sister hostage and stabbing me in the back!" She wagered no team had the guts to take on such trash!

Qiao Mu's voice was extremely cold, and actual ice daggers nearly shot out of her eyes.