Qiao Estate

How would Qiao Mu have known that Ao Ye had secretly sent a message to the crown prince?

Currently, she was attempting to mentally converse with the sapling. She still felt like Li Xiang's death was very fishy, so it would be great if the sapling knew what had happened.

"Qiuqiu, do you know what happened?"

However, even after a moment, the sapling did not respond. Qiao Mu waited for a bit longer and finally sighed after seeing its lack of response. She just knew that she could not be too reliant on this unreliable tree.

The carriage bounded into the city and entered the most flourishing part of Xijiu City.

Life looked just the same as before the zombie outbreak. The streets were bustling with life, the storekeepers and stall owners were energetically shouting about their products while an endless stream of pedestrians and carriages waded through the streets.

When Wei Ziqin looked over, joy surfaced in her eyes.