Taken to the Second Peak

Yang Xirong's eyes shot open in shock!

Her perpetually gentle expression was long gone!

What replaced it was shock! Shock! And more shock!

"H-he'er, q-quickly give her another drop!" Yang Xirong's eyes were narrowed from excitement as she intently stared at the dumbstruck child, as though she was afraid the child would be immediately snatched away by someone else!

Han He hastily stood up and walked to the child. She gently grasped the child's left hand and dripped another drop of water on her hand.

Instantly, everyone's vision was blinded by a piercing white light.

The brilliant light could not be covered by anything in the world. It was not until the two drops of water slowly seeped into the child's palm that the terrifying and blinding light gradually receded.

Yang Xirong was startled with her mouth wide open for less than a second before she pounced at the child like a starving wolf throwing itself at its food.