Obstructors Die

When she strolled through the market with Mo Lian back then, it was evident at a glance that the crown prince wasn't to be provoked, and no one dared to do so from beginning to end.

So, she herself looked easy to mess with?

"Tut, tut. You really are a pretty little missy. Coming to our adventurer base by yourself, are you looking for a husband?"

"Hahahahaha!" Hearty laughter sounded from the surroundings.

Some people even joked, "How many husbands is this little missy looking for?"

However, when an anguished howl rang out immediately afterwards, it was like everyone's laughter had gotten stuck in their throats. They took a stupefied glimpse.

The little girl had kicked out the loafer that had taken liberties towards her at the beginning. He flipped a circle in mid-air before smashing into someone else's horse manger, with blood flowing from his head.

The horses were startled and started neighing.