Issuing a Decree

Madam Shu had wept until her snot and tears were plastered to her face. At this moment, her image was totally destroyed!

Two eunuchs came forward and directly picked her up from the floor. They each took her by the arm, propping her up as they headed out of the Brilliant Sun Hall.

However, Madam Shu was stomping her two legs while releasing incessant shrieks, and she was making such a huge scene that even Queen Zhao couldn't pretend to not have heard her.

Queen Zhao walked over with Elderly Nanny Huaxuan, Nanny Qing, as well as several royal maids, and she couldn't help but feel her head hurting when she saw such a standoff.

"Your Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the Queen." In a last-ditch struggle, Madam Shu wanted to throw herself at the queen, yet the two eunuchs were holding her down unwaveringly.