Of No Concern to Me

"Even if it is not possible, make it possible!" Mu Boming roared, and he promptly summoned his flying mount.

However, upon appearing, that large fellow immediately bumped into the broken branches overhead. It flapped its wings but was unable to fly up. All sorts of overgrown branches even scraped it so that it almost dropped lopsidedly into the voracious zombie rat pack.

This freaked Mu Boming out so much that he decisively recalled his flying mystic beast and stammered in cold sweat, "You-You really can't summon them out."

"Family Head Mu, if this continues, we will soon exhaust our energies and become the rat pack's dinner," a middle-aged man stated tepidly.

He wore a scholar's headcovering and seemed to possess a scholarly air. Furthermore, he held a moderately-sized iron dagger-axe and moved with the power of a thunderbolt and the speed of lightning. A sweep of his iron dagger-axe would kill a dozen large rats at once.