Seemingly Affectionate

Cult Master Ding speechlessly watched this pantomime from the side. This little fellow could could understand it?

He pressed his lips together, a faint light flickering in his bright, seductive eyes.

However, it was good like this too. The longer the little fellow was held up here, Mo Lian, that guy, might have already kicked the bucket by the time she returned. Therefore, that bullsh*t crown prince consort title would automatically cease to exist, hehe.

On the side, the egg also snickered. "You d*mn cyan bird. You think that she is able to understand your gestures? She is just a dummy right now…"

"You're the dummy! You were a dummy for all your eight lives!" Qingluan and the little white squirrel were simultaneously turned around and roared in anger against a common enemy.

"Egg, when our little masta awakens, she will definitely put you in order, just you wait." The little white squirrel harrumphed.