In a Fiery Haste...

"Those two people from the Fan Clan who attacked the crown prince consort most likely left our Sikong Planet through a special array formation." Huifeng was inside the study reporting on the Fan Clan.

"According to the crown prince consort, that kind of space talisman matrix will consume its talisman energy every time it's activated. The farther the distance, the greater the talisman energy consumption. Repeated use is not possible if talisman energy is not replenished in time." Huifeng cleared his throat. "In this subordinate's view, those two people from the Fan Clan must have also plotted their escape in advance. They simply did not consider going back."

Mo Lian closed the memorial shut with a single hand and scoffed, "They got off easy."

"Your Highness, how should we deal with the Fan Clan?"