Nowhere to Turn for Help

After she came out, even Ming Qian, this steady personal maidservant of hers, had disappeared. It was obvious that something serious had happened to this family.

"Commandery Princess, there are royal notices pasted up everywhere on the streets. Last night, the Vassal King of An'nan and the Vassal Prince Chou Fu colluded with the Shu Family and the eldest prince in rebellion to force the king's abdication. Right now, they have already been captured by His Highness the Crown Prince and His Twelfth Highness and have been imprisoned in the Highest Judiciary. Without royal decree, no one can visit."

Commandery Princess Yi'an's eyes bulged. "What? Then? Then how, how about me?"

The maidservant Xu'er burst out in tears. "My lady, you and I are now fugitives. Our wanted circulars are all over the streets. They say that we have absconded to avoid punishment, which puts us at greater fault! If we resist during capture, we will be killed on the spot."