Mistress of the Fort...

"How about we discuss a collab? You two think of a way to set me free from these deity-locking chains. Our combined strength can crush these two biddies in a matter of moments…"

*Kaboom!* Just as he finished saying this, the Peony Immortal's small lightning hammer immediately sent out a thunderbolt that struck Dao Wuji straight on the head.


There was going to be a hole in his skull from all the strikes. Dao Wuji glared at the Peony Immortal while grimacing in pain. "Can you be gentler? I've lived here on your level for a decade in any case. Can you spare some TLC for the tenant?"

This guy just had a rotten mouth. He was asking to be beaten! Feng Chen gave Dao Wuji a look devoid of sympathy before flitting forward with a grin. "I've cleared the tower so many times, but this is the first time meeting someone I can team up with to clear the tower."