Team Lychee and Team Longan

Everybody scattered to the sides when they saw him. Who still dared come into contact with him?

Pumpkin Head Kou Hongzhen held his face and howled in terror. Afterwards, he implored the Kou Clan disciples around him to help him.

However, every Kou Clan disciple scurried away faster than a rat, and no one dared to come close.

Kou Hongzhen was both scared and alarmed. He was completely clueless as to what was going on with his body. Seeing that no one came to help, he had no choice but to run out of the battle arena. Needless to say, he was wailing like a ghost the entire way.

Ma Ta sniggered. "He's bawling to go find his daddy."

That bit of discontent in Qi Xuanxuan's heart vanished at the sight of Kou Hongzhen's tragic situation. Her round petite face was all smiles as she asked Qiao Mu, "Qiaoqiao, you were venting out our anger for us, right?"