
"How can the students grow if they don't experience danger! Have them charge!" Zhou Danjin stomped forward to cleave a zombie that was pouncing toward him. He raised his arm and shouted over the noise, "Students, go get them! There's a big heap of points beckoning toward you up ahead!"

All the students: …

However, Zhou Danjin's shout did invigorate everybody, and they rushed forward one after another after activating their defensive barriers.

"Protect yourselves, pay attention to protection!!" Cao Dan yelled behind them. "Don't panic! Pair up in groups of two and three. We don't need you to act the hero and fight alone!"

"Old Cao, you can't be cowering like this! Do you still want points," Zhou Danjin couldn't resist roasting him.

"Ah phooey!" Cao Dan flared up. "Points, points. What's the use of points if you lose your life!"

The two of them squabbled while slaughtering the zombies around them.