An Old Blossoming White Lotus

With a faint smile on her lips, Jing Linyao turned to say to Madam Jing, "Madam should accompany Youngest Sister more when you have the time and urge her to mellow this temper of hers."

"The people outside are not our own family. As her eldest sister, I can accommodate and yield to her on all matters, but how about outsiders? Such as that crown prince consort, would she let off Youngest Sister?"

"Madam does not understand how to discipline Youngest Sister." Jing Linyao curled her lips into a sneer. "After leaving the tribe, there naturally will be people to help you discipline her. Do you not agree?"

Madam Jing was so incensed that her pretty face flushed red.

"The Chief has arrived!" This announcement cut off the conversation inside the yurt.

Jing Minyao hit the bed angrily and shouted toward her dad, the chief, who was striding inside quickly. "Daddy, Eldest Sister, Eldest Sister is bullying me and my mom again!"