Lady Little Emperor...

Qiao Mu turned around, showing him the back of her head again as she ate…

Duan Yue couldn't resist chuckling. He picked up his chopsticks and started eating. He knitted his brows when he saw Xiao'ke'zi freeze up beside him. "Why are you just standing there."

"Y-Your Highness, do you not find this ermine to be quite mystical?"

"Of course she is!" Duan Yue smiled proudly. "Who was the one who adopted her? You think your master, I, would adopt an ordinary ermine!"

Qiao Mu did not wish to acknowledge a certain person's smugness. After finishing her sparerib, she looked at the pot of soup in dismay.

In the end, Duan Yue understood her troubles and poured some soup into a small dish for her to drink, thereby solving her problem.

Xiao'ke'zi was dumbstruck…

This eccentric ermine not only was fussy before eating. It was so human-like even while eating.