I Won't Give You Face

Ji Xiang's complexion slightly grew paler.

She found herself developing an odd habit lately. Whenever she encountered the crown prince consort and the young crown prince consort, a wave of flustered anxiety washed over her without reason, causing her palms to moisten.

/It was a strange reaction, almost as if she could sense a change in the Crown Prince Consort's mood!/

She certainly didn't dare to provoke this formidable young Highness.

Previously, at General Zhongli's estate, they used to mock the Crown Prince Consort together.

However, each time, Ji Xiang ended up humiliated by the well-prepared Crown Prince Consort.

/But that's water under the bridge now. Subsequently, the noble ladies schemed to captivate and provoke the Crown Prince Consort./

But their efforts only left the Crown Prince Consort unscathed, while they ended up stung by bees and buried under quilts, wailing like children in distress.