Setting Out for Tempest City

Organizing another wedding banquet proved to be quite a natural hassle. Nonetheless, it served the purpose of silencing the meddlesome busybodies and causing those with hidden agendas to reconsider their words.

The young crown prince consort expressed her continued willingness to cooperate, despite the circumstances.

On the day following the banquet's conclusion, the group of students preparing to journey to Tempest City began their preparations in earnest.

Situated at the heart of the Three Provinces, Tempest City stood as an autonomous entity, separate from the Three Provinces.

Regardless of whether travelers hastened from the royal capital, the journey via flying beasts would inevitably span five to six days.

Carriage travel was even more time-consuming, rendering it an impractical option.

Even the swiftest mystical horse could not maintain a gallop for more than a month.