How Far Is the Star?

"Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

When she regained her composure, she found Mo Lian cradling her in his arms, her head nestled against his fair neck.

Qiao Mu gave him a puzzled look.

She genuinely didn't know what he expected her to say!

"Your memory is quite poor." Mo Lian reached out and lightly tapped her head. "Take a closer look at me. What do you perceive?"

"An angry expression," Miss Qiao replied candidly.

Despite his considerable handsomeness, he remained expressionless. It was clear that beneath his composed exterior lay a heart seething with anger.

"That's not it."

"Concerned?" Qiao Mu attempted to voice these two words. She then raised her hand to support her forehead and closed her eyes. "Dizzy… my head…"

Without another word, Mo Lian picked her up and moved slowly toward the nearby brocade couch.

"Do you see anything?"