Going to Red Clouds Peak

Pundit Liu snorted. "I heard you took a few days off right after your first day of class?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Mu regarded him warily. "What's your point?"

She hoped his next words wouldn't be, "Since you seem so at ease, why don't you spend some time on the knife stakes?"

She had no desire to stand there in the chilly breeze with nothing to occupy her time.

Pundit Liu responded with a sardonic chuckle and a simpering smile. He turned his gaze towards her. "Today's incident seems to have started because of you…"

"That's correct, Pundit Liu," Achir interjected, gasping for breath. She hastily added, "You can't show favoritism! How can you just punish us? She should be punished too! Punish her!"

Qiao Mu glanced at Achir and vaguely understood that this woman had been a constant companion to Ming Asi and Ali for years. They were not personally acquainted, so why had she chosen this moment to provoke her?