The Cheeky

Although she had never openly admitted it, the reality was that the young stoic invariably had snacks or fruits in hand whenever she had free time.

What she enjoyed while reading, what she savored during competitions, and even during her practical training, she never forgot to partake…

Upon concluding her period of seclusion, her first act upon emerging was to seek sustenance with an impassive countenance…

Mo Lian couldn't help but secretly chuckle. She expertly sectioned the oranges into slices and presented them to Her Ladyship Qiaoqiao.

Her Ladyship Qiaoqiao accepted them with her customary stoic expression.

Qi Xuanxuan, seated on the other side, concealed a wry smile.

Qiaoqiao, the little foodie, was undeniably adorable.

Her Ladyship Qiaoqiao glanced sidelong at Qi Xuanxuan's bemused visage and retrieved an orange from her inner world, offering it to her.

The two of them commenced eating at the rear of the conveyance.