I Don't Want To Go To Space Yet

It was half past eight in the morning and the lecture hall was almost full.

When Lu Zhou found a seat, he sat down in a low-key manner.

By 8:50 am, the lecture hall was full. Some people even brought chairs inside or sat on the aisles to listen.

Even students from other schools came.

It seemed that Professor Ren Changming was quite popular.

At 9:00 am, the lecture finally began. Lu Zhou looked at the old gentlemen on the podium and thought that he looked familiar. Maybe it was because Lu Zhou was too far away or the old man changed clothes, he really could not remember where he saw him.

When the powerpoint began, the female student who was sitting next to Lu Zhou finally stopped talking and reached for her notebook and pen.

The moment she saw Lu Zhou next to her, she was shocked.

As she looked at him, she asked quietly, "Student, are you, Lu Zhou?"

Lu Zhou nodded his head and said, "Yeah."