It's Good To Be Utilitarian

The sky was completely dark but the research building was still brightly lit when Lu Zhou knocked on Professor Tang's office and walked in.

Actually, he already had an idea as to why Professor Tang called him over.

Just a second ago, he received the thesis acceptance letter from [Mathematics Chronicle]. It was actually sent two days ago but he missed it.

However, Lu Zhou could not believe that it was published so quickly. It was like the Mathematics Chronicle journal was in more of a hurry than him.

Seeing that his thesis received so much respect, Lu Zhou could not help but feel flattered.

The moment he walked in, Professor Tang put down his pen and looked at the graduate student working next to him.

"Wong, go pour a glass of water."

That master's student named Wong pushed his glasses and stood up.

Lu Zhou said, "It's okay, I'll do it myself."