Pulling People To Join

After Lu Zhou left Mrs. Yang's house, he thought for a long time.

A person's energy was limited, not to mention, he had no interests in running a business.

He was an academic and he only had to do his own work well. As for product operations and management of companies, he could hand it over to someone who was good at them.

He felt like his battlefield was in the laboratory, not a meeting. It definitely was not in a CEO office.

Chen Yushan would be a good choice, but her management talents were more for mid to late stage companies, and his small [Campus Train] startup had no room for her. Not to mention, she was doing a master's degree and she had no time to help Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou went back to his dorm and thought for a long time before he finally thought of a person. He then walked to the balcony and made a phone call.

When the other end picked up, a voice from the fat man came through, "Hey, Lu Zhou, what's up?"