The Saddest Thing In Life...

Wei Feng could not sleep last night. The meeting today made him so excited that he forgot what was going on.

In the meeting, Club President Lu Zhou announced the news of financing. Not only that, but he also fulfilled his previous promise of equity.

From today, Wei Feng would be one of the shareholders of Campus Assistant. Even though he only had 1.3% equity, it still made him proud and excited.

His month long of persistence and trust was not for nothing.

When he went back to his dorm, his roommates were playing video games.

His friends saw him come back and they smiled as they asked, "Brother Feng, where did you go? Why aren't you playing with us?"

"I had a club meeting, you guys play. I still have some stuff to do," said Wei Feng with a smile.

He learned more in the past month than his last semester. He could not learn those valuable software development skills in class.