Gentleman's Demeanor

Lu Zhou looked at an Indian guy who had also noticed him.

When Lu Zhou approached, the Indian guy's face was full of smiles. He immediately greeted Lu Zhou with an Indian accent.

"Oi, bro, you also research number theory?"

"I guess. Very shocking research results," said Lu Zhou even though he could barely understand the guy's accent. He looked around and when he saw that no one was interested in the poster, he said, "Why isn't there anyone here?"

"Because of the arrogance and the prejudice of the people at Princeton, they can't accept that a native Indian had beaten them at mathematics. They even refused to let me present on stage without any reason. It seems that only friends on across the Pacific can understand my feelings," said the Indian guy with slightly darker skin. With a smile, he reached out, "Dijan, a master's student from Nehru University. What's your name?"