
Waiting in the hotel was boring and CERN did not have any more quality lectures after the nuclear research conference.

Lu Zhou was bored to death, so he ended up walking around Geneva. He took a few tourist photos and bought some stuff as well.

He then went back to his hotel and posted the photos on his news feed before he took a shower.

When he came out of the shower and was about to sleep, Shi Shang suddenly called him.

The first sentence was…

"Zhou, when are you coming back?"

Lu Zhou was still drying off his hair when he thought and said, "I'll see. When the experiment results are released, I'll come back. Tell me if you want anything else. I'm so bored, I'll go shopping."

Shi Shang replied, "Traveling for free? I'm jealous."

Free traveling?

I guess that's what I'm doing.

Lu Zhou remembered that he had not spent a single dollar from his own pocket on this trip.