Preparing For An Interview

After finishing his duties in Jin Ling, Lu Zhou returned to his hometown by train. He reunited with his family and taught Xiao Tong some techniques to score in the exams.

After all, Lu Zhou got into the University of Jin Ling with his own abilities. Although he did not know much about liberal arts, he still knew some exam techniques.

He could not help her gain marks, but at least he could prevent her from losing marks.

The rest was up to Xiao Tong.

It was soon June 7th.

This was a happy day for some and a sad day for others.

Lu Zhou wore a raincoat and rode a bicycle. He passed through the rain and stopped in front of high school.

"We're here, get off."

Xiao Tong was under the raincoat. She stepped off the bicycle and carefully avoided the puddles.


"Do your best," said Lu Zhou as he looked at his poor sister. He patted her head and said, "I'll wait here for you."