
The 32nd experiment finally began.

The original plan for the experiment was to be three days after the previous experiment, but it had only been one day since then.

The results of the experiment were gratifying for Lu Zhou.

During the ninth hour of the experiment, a loud cheer was heard in the laboratory.

People were clapping and bumping their fists.


"God… It's incredible!"

"We did it! We did it!"

Lu Zhou heard the cheers from the researchers, and as he looked at the data of the experiment that was reflected on the screen, the knot in his heart finally unraveled itself.

"I guess the problem was my mathematical model after all."

Just now, the researchers used the computational power of Anton to test Lu Zhou's new theoretical model of Li electrolyte solution interface.

The experiment results were perfect.

With Anton's help, Lu Zhou's mathematical model produced perfect digital simulations.