Just Go For It

Finding superconducting materials from carbon nanomaterials was a novel idea.

Although people had researched this topic before, no one had ever produced any significant results.

Therefore, Lu Zhou wasn't sure about this either.

However, since most scientific research started with a guess, Lu Zhou decided to just go for it.

After determining the research direction, Lu Zhou called Sarrot and told him the story.

Sarrot's eyes widened as he asked, "Superconducting materials? Why do you want to study this?"

Lu Zhou said, "I think it's interesting, is it not?"

Sarrot: "No, I mean that barely any research has been done in this area, we would have to start from zero."

Lu Zhou: "…"

"So it's very likely that we will have to take a long time before we can produce any patent-worth results." Sarrot couldn't help but say, "Why don't we continue to do batteries? The industry is looking forward to a new and improved HCS-2 material."