My Daughter?

The morning three days after the conference.

An office inside the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China. A middle-aged man with glasses sat at his desk reading Everyone Daily.

Suddenly, he heard a knock from behind his door.

The man put the newspaper in his hand down before he said, "Come in."

The door opened, and Chen Baohua walked in.

"Hey, did you look for me?"

Although He Nian was ranked higher than Chen Boahua, the two were close friends and didn't call each other by their formal titles.

Although they were both in the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China, they were in separate divisions of the department. Therefore, they spoke casually to each other.

However, there was something unusual about this encounter.

Old He was abnormally warm this morning.

Chen Baohua was confused when He Nian smiled and made a hand gesture.