Physics Level 5 and Special Mission Reward Mission?

Lu Zhou didn't care about the academic community's reaction; he only cared about the completion of this reward mission.

Compared to the existence of a smooth Navier–Stokes equation solution, this type of mission was basically "free marks".

As Lu Zhou stood in the pure white system space, a light blue line of text appeared in the translucent information screen in front of him.

[Congratulations, User, for completing the reward mission!

[Mission completion details are as follows: Build a mathematical model for the plasma turbulence phenomenon in a stellarator.

[Final mission evaluation: None (Reward missions have no evaluation)

[Mission reward: 100,000 mathematics experience points. 100,000 physics experience points. One lucky draw ticket. (100% special)]

200,000 experience points in total, plus a lucky draw. Although there weren't any general points, it was still a decent reward mission.