The Human Mind Is Tiny Compared To The Universe

While the Nobel Committee for Chemistry was arguing over whether or not Lu Zhou should win the award, the PRX thesis continued to impact the physics industry.

Lu Zhou had received many calls and emails over the past few days.

Lu Zhou's physicist friends such as Professor Frank Wilczek, Klaus von Klitzing, etc., were all surprised by his work.

There were also some strangers that wanted to get to know Lu Zhou and discuss the turbulence phenomenon with him.

Additionally, there were also some invitations from academic conferences.

For example, the IAEA-Demo international conference in November. They invited him to do a one-hour report on his turbulence phenomenon research.

Normally, Lu Zhou would have gone for it.

After all, there were many excellent controllable nuclear fusion reports at the conference. If he wanted to build the first DEMO nuclear fusion reactor by 2025, he had to utilize his international academic opportunities…